616 : Di Ying madness

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Master Ji lay on the ground, blood spilling from the edge of the mask.

The palm of the Holy Lord was merciless, his internal organs were all injured, and the meridians were even destroyed by the water intruding into the body by nearly 80%. This shows how angry the Holy Lord is.

He bowed his head, feeling guilty.

At the time, he sent someone to monitor Dongling and found that Wenmei who had left Dongling, originally didn't care. Later, because Wenqiao also left Dongling and came to the Central Continent, she grew and became stronger step by step, and noticed her. After the inheritance of the awakening came from the powerful bloodline of Baifeng Island, he began to plan all this.

Wen Mei is the bloodline of the Wen family in Dongling, and Wen Qiao is a sister of the same race, and is an object that can be used.

Therefore, they unexpectedly captured Wen Mei, who was still weak, and the Holy Master personally sealed her memory, and Master Ji took her by her side to cultivate her and improve her cultivation level until the day when she could use it.

Wen Mei, alias Mei Gu, has always been a very obedient subordinate. She has no memory, and Tanglin is too remote, and there is not much news about her family. She has no way of inquiring about her own life experience, so there is no need to worry about her betrayal. And Wen Mei is indeed a very useful subordinate, she can complete the tasks entrusted to her perfectly, and Jiuye also trusts her quite well.

But he didn't think that this chess piece turned him back.

Jiuye is not stupid. After a little thought, he understands why Wen Mei fled. On the left, it was the Holy Lord's decision to make a living sacrifice that made her feel a sense of crisis. She was worried that she would die because of this. Acting according to Wen Mei, it is estimated that he will escape to the place where the right path is stationed outside the North Land, tell them his identity, and use the Heavenly Sacred Gate as a bargaining chip to protect himself.

Unexpectedly, the wolf he carefully cultivated bit himself.

Jiuye only blamed herself for relaxing her vigilance over the years and restoring her too much, so that she would find a chance to escape and destroy the plan of the Holy Lord.

After the body slowed down, Master Ji got up with difficulty and looked at the woman whose expression was still gentle as water under the gray sky.

"Holy Lord, since Wen Mei fled, Wen Qiao is over..."

The holy master said indifferently: "Wen Mei can't be used, the plan is changed, let Wen Qiao come to the North Land obediently, and willingly sacrifice his mysterious blood."

Master Ji looked at her puzzledly, thinking of the lord of the demons unavoidably.

Is the Holy Lord trying to use the Lord of Demons to force the right way to surrender Wen Qiao?

The Holy Lord did not say clearly, but instead said: "Are you ready for the living sacrifice?"

"It's ready." Lord Jiu resisted the pain in the body, and said in a deep voice, "This time we are preparing to make a living sacrifice of 108 people, two of which are in mysterious blood."

The holy lord whispered: "Do it at three quarters tonight."

Master Ji answered yes, watching the holy lord turn and leave, the blood tumbling in his body couldn't help it anymore, and finally squirted out.

He staggered to his knees on the ground, coughed lightly, and trembling his hands took out a healing spirit pill and put it in his mouth. After a long while, he stood up and looked forward with his eyes.

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