687 : Planting Fairy Seeds

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Wen Qiao is picking the fairy species.

The Treasury of Wanxian Mansion is very rich, the number of immortal species is extremely large, but the preservation is really not good, the vitality of many immortal species has been lost almost, and they are supported by themselves tenaciously.

It can also be seen from this point that the wealth of Wanxian Mansion is rich, and they don't care about the immortal species being ruined at all. Yes, it doesn't take up much space.

Facing Wen Qiao's condemning gaze, Ning Yuzhou's eyes drifted, looking at the western official waiting for instructions.

Xiguan sullen his face, and based on his understanding of the palace lord, he knew that at this time he wanted them as subjects to stand up bravely.

The Xiguan then explained: "In fact, these immortal seeds were discovered when Wanxian Mansion was exploring some dangerous places. Because there are too many things in that dangerous place, it is inevitable that they are a little bit unconscious..."

Why don't you care? Of course, compared to these fairy species, other heavenly materials and earth treasures are more valuable, and fairy species can only be ranked behind. If they knew at the time that the future palace lord would find a little lady, and the little lady was a female fairy who liked fairy seeds, they would definitely protect these fairy seeds and wait for the palace owner's wife to come and fetch them.

It's too late to say anything, and can only bravely admit that it is their fault, and it has nothing to do with the palace lord.

Wen Qiao's face was a little slow, and no one can blame anyone else for knowing this.

Compared to a seed, it is of course more important that those immortal plants and grasses that have blossomed and bear fruit and can be used directly. This is also the idea of ​​many practitioners. They rarely like the gods and the emperor. They like to collect all kinds of seeds, start cultivation from the seeds, and plant them into towering trees, which are fruitful.

"These seeds are all good." Wen Qiao picked out the immortal species she was fancy.

The western official smiled and said: "It's good to hear that girl likes it. If Wanxian Mansion finds other immortal species in the future, the minister will take good care of it and send it to you for inspection."

With a yes, Wen Qiao turned around and asked Ning Yuzhou where she could plant these seeds.

Ning Yuzhou said without hesitation: "You can plant this cloud top as you like, you can plant it wherever you want."

The western official also actively said: "If you are interested in a mountain, just tell your ministers, I will help you circle it, turn the soil, prepare the fairy liquid, and you can plant it at any time."

It's just that after Wen Qiao walked around the top of the cloud, she found that the fairy plants and grasses growing on the top of the cloud were all precious species, and they were planned very orderly and would never invade the other side's territory.

Wen Qiao understands the emotions of all things and everything, and can feel that the fairy plants in the top of the cloud are very satisfied with the current environment, and do not want to move places, nor do they want to be invaded by outsiders in their growth space.

If the top of the cloud does not work, then check the fairy mountain under the top of the cloud.

Anyway, this highest Yunshan, in addition to the top of the cloud, there are many celestial powers below, planting many rare species of the celestial world, and this Yunshan is decorated like a treasure house.

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