698 : Rumors

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Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou didn't get out of the immortal boat until the four officials resolved the immortal thief in Blood You City.

When seeing Ning Yuzhou, the immortals present lowered their heads subconsciously, showing a gesture of awe and respect, and did not dare to look directly at him.

They had faintly guessed his cultivation level after seeing Ning Yuzhou maiming the skull in Xueyou City with his own power.

I can't blame this group of people who dare to directly confront the immortal thief in the upper west, it turns out that it is because of the immortal sovereign.

All the people present had an incredible look, but they still couldn't react to it.

In the fairy spirit world, the immortals are all existences in legends, and generally do not appear easily, let alone intervene in worldly affairs, so Ning Yuzhou, the immortal sovereign, suddenly appeared, making them really unable to react.

The immortal thief in Blood You City was also unable to react.

Until they died, they still didn't understand what they did, why they suddenly provoked Xianzun to kill them personally.

The attack on Xueyou City this time was still to rescue a group of people who had fallen into the hands of the immortal thief.

However, the situation of these rescued people was worse. They all looked like skin and bones. They seemed to be consumed by something, leaving only a thin layer of flesh attached to the skeleton.

Ning Yuzhou glanced around and realized that the blood qi on their bodies had been sucked by the skulls of Blood You City.

The skull that was refined into the  city has become a kind of evil, as long as the creatures entering the skull will be sucked up by it for blood and vitality, so that it can grow.

The immortal thieves in Blood You City are indeed refining this thing. They capture many immortals and lock them in Blood You City as the nourishment for the skulls. When their vitality and blood energy are gradually consumed by the skulls, Skulls will become more powerful.

If they come later, these people will probably be sucked to death soon.

Hearing Ning Yuzhou's explanation, Wen Qiao felt a little depressed.

She doesn't like this kind of stuff that fools life, but she also knows that as long as all things are born in this world, there will be endless desires, and various desires will drive these creatures to make different choices.

She can only secretly warn herself not to become a sinful person driven by desire.

After solving the immortal thief in Xueyou City, they did not rush to leave, after all, there was still a skull to solve.

Wen Qiao took Ning Yuzhou and turned around the skull.

This skull is really too big, if it is not big, it will not be refined into a city, allowing the group of immortals to live in the  city formed by the skull.

"Husband, what is this skull?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.

Ning Yuzhou said in a flat tone: "It should be some kind of ancient fierce beast. This thing is rare. It may be found by the immortal thief in some space left in the chaos. Some of these spaces are from ancient times, and some of it from a more distant age. If you are lucky, you might even find the world when you were born..."

Wen Qiao was eager to hear it.

Although most of the spaces left in the chaos are very dangerous, it also means some kind of great opportunity, and even to understand what happened in those long ago eras.

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