618 : Confrontation

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"Choo Choo Choo!"

"Brother Ning, we are here."

Wen Tutu and Shi Wuming brought Little Phoenix to the Northland. They were very happy to see Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou. Little Phoenix rushed into Wen Qiao’s arms, and Wen Tutu wanted to pounce, and was halfway through. Ning Yuzhou picked it up.

Only the little phoenix, who is a cheap son, can rush straight. It is very happy. It has two thin legs kicked and kicked a few times, jumped on Wenqiao's head, screamed, and the crisp chirp sounded in the mountain forest and broke. The silence nearby.

Because of the fall of the Northland, the monsters nearby fled one after another, and the lively mountains and forests were all silent in the past.

Wen Qiao was also very happy to see them. He touched Wentutu's head and asked, "Where did you come from?"

"We went to Nanming earlier, and then heard about the Northland. Knowing that you will definitely come here, we will look for it." Wen Tutu replied, "When we passed through the Guzhang Mountain halfway, we heard that there were demons in ancient times. There was raging near Zhangshan, and I stayed there for a while, and didn't come here until the evil demons nearby were resolved."

Wen Qiao's heart tightened, "Is Gu Zhangshan okay?"

Ning Yuzhou also looked over, and there was his father in Gu Zhangshan.

"It's okay, everyone is fine." Wen Tutu knew what they missed, and hurriedly said, "Last time Brother Ning set up a king-level moat formation in Guzhang city, those demons did not break through the big formation, the people of Guzhang city. They are all safe. The same is true of the Qianlinmen. There is no major problem, plus Hu Shuangyan and the others are back. As long as they are not the demons at the Yuan Emperor level, they will be fine."

Wen Qiao was relieved just now.

Earlier Wen Qiao asked Hu Shuangyan to lead people to lurch in Xilingshui, assisting Min Sulin to explore the Heavenly Sacred Gate, until after the Lord of the evil spirits was born, the battle between the right and the demons ended and Hu Shuangyan also returned from Xilingshui.

After the two returned to the valley, Wen Tutu and Shi Wuming also knew Wen Mei's existence and the plan of the Heavenly Sacred Gate.

Wen Tutu's face was blue with anger, and he cursed: "It's so beautiful to think about it! Does that woman think that with the support of the Lord of Demons, she can do whatever she wants?" She wants to sacrifice his sister alive, how can she do it?

The teacher also said: "Sister Aqiao, don't worry, if that woman dares to take you as a sacrifice, we will leave the Saint Martial Continent, but can't carry it, can't we run?"

Wen Mei looked at the two people filled with righteous indignation, and did not speak wisely.

This is not a question of whether to run or not, but the entire Saint Martial Continent will be reduced to a place of living sacrifices, and everyone will die. With Wen Qiao's nature, she couldn't stand by and watch the Saint Martial Continent fall into catastrophe and escape alone, let alone her teachers, relatives, and friends in the Saint Martial Continent.

She suppressed the worries in her heart and continued to watch the situation in the Northland.

In the sky in the north, the gray lifelessness increased day by day.

Until it completely enveloped the sky in the North Land, suddenly demons came under pressure.

The Yuan Emperors in the valley were alarmed and flew out, hanging on the mountain, looking at the northern land on the other side of the mountain.

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