636 : Wen Gungun transformed

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As Ning Yuzhou said, after half a month, Wen Gungun's breath could no longer be suppressed.

When the Yuanhuang Realm Keqing living in the surrounding Sacred Martial Hall noticed a breath of monsters about to transform, they shot out from the cave and looked around. When I looked around, my eyes finally fell on one of the beautiful small peaks. After recognizing who lived in this small peak, they felt a sense of "it is so".

Except for the people who have been in retreat for several decades, the people in the entire Shengwu Temple know the names of Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou.

These two were cultivators from the outer continent. When the cultivation base was suppressed by the Sealed Demon Cosmos, Wen Qiao was already able to defeat the inner temple disciples of the same rank and gained a lot of fame. Not to mention Ning Yuzhou's exquisite alchemy, the best king-level pill he refined is very popular in the Saint Martial Hall, and the Saint Martial Hall regards it as a reward.

Talented people will always be respected. Shengwu Temple is very precious to them, and they can't wait to give it up. If they are not too lazy to move, it is estimated that Shengwu Temple will give them a more spiritual peak as a cave.

They were all guest Qings from the Temple of Sacred Martial Arts, and they really didn't kill anyone.

The breath here also attracted the attention of Shengwu Temple.

As Ning Yuzhou and the others, Guanshi Hong is the most familiar person with them. This is also because Ning Yuzhou and the others are used to Guanshi Hong and are too lazy to change other people, so Guanshi Hong is responsible for all their trivial matters over the years.

Just before Guan Shi arrived at the Dong Mansion, he saw several people walking out of the Dong Mansion.

His gaze fell on the small black and white iron eater in Wen Qiao's arms, and instantly saw the state of the small iron eater. This little iron-eater was only three hundred years old. In terms of the lifespan of the iron-eater, it was still a cub at the age of three, and it couldn't reach the conditions of transformation at all.

But it does need to transform now.

So it can be speculated that it is estimated that the person who raised it has fed it a lot of natural treasures before allowing it to transform in advance.

Although he had a lot of changes in his heart, Guan Hong didn't show any signs on the matter, and took the initiative to step forward and said: "Miss Wen, Young Master Ning, are you taking this little iron-eater beast to go through the catastrophe?"

"Yes." Wen Qiao looked at Guan Shi Hong, "The demon beast's transformation is stronger, and we will take it to the island's outer transformation."

Guan Shi also knew the power of monster transformation, and immediately said: "I know a place suitable for monster transformation, why don't you follow me?"

"Then bother Hong Kong and lead the way." Ning Yuzhou said.

Guan Hong was too busy and didn't dare to lead them the way.

On the way out of Shengwu City, they met brothers Ning Zhezhou and Yin Xingliu.

Ning Zhezhou joyfully said: "Seventh brother, where are you going?" Suddenly, his gaze fell on the small iron-eater that Wen Qiao was holding in his arms, "Huh, is it going to transform?"

Wen Qiao explained: "We are going to take it to transform it."

Ning Zhezhou had always cared about Ning Yuzhou, his brother of the same race, and immediately decided to follow him.

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