685 : Buy Fairy Seeds

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Ning Yuzhou calmly looked at Dou Borong.

The cultivation base of the fairy monarch in the early stage was unruly, unruly, and good-looking. He was born in a large family from the north and placed in the fairy world, and he was indeed the young women's favorite.

But his cultivation is not as high as him, his appearance is not as good as his, and his status is not as strong as his current status. Even if he is younger than him, it is not a concern.

One glance at Ning Yuzhou confirmed that Dou Borong was incomparable to himself, he was much older than Dou Borong, but his wife didn't mind their age difference, and didn't care at all.

Although Dou Borong was a little lost, he always felt that the look in Wen Qiao's eyes at her husband made him extremely stressed, and he changed the subject abruptly, "Miss Wen, where are you going?"

"Ten Thousand Immortal City." Wen Qiao replied, looking at the immortal next to Dou Borong. It seems that he was doing well in the foreign palace?

"We happen to be going to Wanxian City too, so let's go together." Dou Borong invited with a smile.

Wen Qiao didn't refuse, since it was on the way, it's okay to go together.

On the way, Dou Borong restrained his sight and didn't float to Ning Yuzhou until Wen Qiao introduced them to each other.

"Master Dou, this is my husband Ning Yuzhou; husband, this is Master Dou Borong, who came from the Xuanyuan City of Northland. I received a lot of attention from them on the way." Wen Qiao was very grateful to Xuanyuan Xinghuo. Yes, she didn't know anything about the fairy world. If she didn't understand anything, she would directly ask them, as if she was a puzzler.

Ning Yuzhou to Dou Borong nodded slightly: "Thank you, Master Dou, for taking care of Aha."

Dou Borong was a little frustrated at him, and quickly said: "You are welcome, we are all from the north, and we should take care of each other..."

Even if it shouldn't, he dare not say anything.

Dou Borong was inexplicably guilty. Although he said that Wen Qiao was a gentleman and a gentleman, if the other party was a Taoist couple, he still pursued it because of character problems. In fact, he didn't know Wen Qiao has a Taoist couple. It was deliberate.

He was thinking about the name Ning Yuzhou in his heart, and he had never heard of this person in the fairy world, as if he was not someone with a background. But that unpredictable aura didn't look like an ordinary person, which made him wonder about Ning Yuzhou's origin and identity, even with some doubts about Wen Qiao's origin.

If Wen Qiao was really an immortal on the side of Wuying Xianshan, how did she meet Ning Yuzhou in Wanxian Mansion?

On the way to Wanxian Mansion, they talked with Wen Qiao. Although she didn't clearly say where her Taoist companion was, she did not say that she would be in Wanxian Mansion, and she even knew nothing about Wanxian Mansion.

Looking at the place where they appeared just now, it was obvious that they had just come out of Yunhaixian Mountain in Wanxian Mansion, and it was obvious that Ning Yuzhou was also a disciple of Wanxian Mansion. Could it be that even though the two were married together, Ning Yuzhou never confessed to Wen Qiao that he was born in Wanxian Mansion?

When thinking about this, he couldn't help but ask, "Master Ning is also a disciple of Wanxian Mansion?"

"Yes." Ning Yuzhou said quietly, his words were correct, he was the Palace Master of Wanxian Mansion and a disciple of Wanxian Mansion.

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