621 : Dust Settled

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Until the two Yuanshengjing masters tore the space and left, the group of cultivators came over one after another.

They stared at the void where the two of them left, with envy and looking up in their eyes. This is the top existence in the lower realm. It is the lifelong pursuit of all cultivators. Anyone who embarks on the path of cultivation has fantasized about Yuansheng territory.

"Aha, the two seniors have left?" Yun Tianfeng ancestor asked.

Wen Qiao responded and said sincerely: "The two seniors have been injured, and they want to go back to heal."

The people present were startled when the two Yuansheng realms joined forces, but they were still injured? How powerful is the Lord of Demons?

"Where is the Lord of Demons?" Yuntianfeng ancestor asked again.

"He ran away."

what? !

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and their faces were full of horror. Did the Lord of the Demons escape from being killed instead of being killed?

"He, where did he escape?" Someone asked in a panic, wondering if the Lord of the Demons would return.

Wen Qiao said indifferently: "The two seniors said that he should have fled to the Sealed Demon Realm."

Hearing that, most of the people present were at a loss and didn't know where this "seasoned demon world" was. The other half of the people who knew it were also greatly surprised. After the surprise, they were also worried.

The fact that the lord of the demons flees from the Saint Martial Continent does not mean that he will never come back. The Saint Martial Continent is still insecure.

Ning Yuzhou glanced at the people and said quietly: "There are many powerful people in the sealed demon universe. As long as you tell them something about the Lord of the demons, they should pay attention."

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng nodded with a solemn face, "Yu Zhou said that is very true, we still have to contact the Shengwu Temple as soon as possible."

Even so, it is not so easy to contact the Holy Martial Temple in the Sealed Demon Heaven. Otherwise, after the Lord of Demons is born, they will not despair, desperate and want to sacrifice Wen Qiao.

Although the Saint Martial Continent has a passage to the Sealed Demon Realm, only the people in the Saint Martial Hall know how to open it.

Everyone concealed all the thoughts in their hearts, and first headed north.

When they reached the edge of the Northland, they were instantly startled by the abyss lying on the edge of the Northland. The mountain range that originally separated the Northland disappeared and turned into an abyss lying thousands of miles away, dividing the north and the south into two parts, and the remaining dead energy around it was sinking into the abyss.

Seeing this scene, everyone seemed to be able to predict that in the future, the abyss that precipitated all lifelessness would become a dangerous place.

But for these dead energy, they couldn't figure out how to purify it for a while, so they could only do it slowly in the future.

After flying over the abyss, the ground torn apart and the ubiquitous water seemed to become a vast ocean.

Anyone who knows the situation in the Lower Realm knows that all continents are distributed in the endless sea, and the continents are surrounded by sea water.

The depths of the land are actually sea water. When the land is penetrated, the sea water will rise.

Because the Northland area was torn apart by the combined forces of the three Primordial Sacred Realms, the underground seawater flooded in, turning the originally deserted Northland into a vast ocean, as well as patches of land of different sizes distributed across the ocean.

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