634 : Water frog emperor

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When Huangshui Frog Emperor appeared, it was a series of frog calls attacking directly at the sea of ​​consciousness.

Wen Qiao reluctantly supported it, but to fight back in such a terrible attack, it was really difficult to beat it, and her nosebleed was shaken out uncontrollably.

"Aha, leave here." Ning Yuzhou said.

Wen Qiao held her nose and said vaguely: "Can you stay?"

Shi Wuming was about to say how to do it. Both of them are weak. What should I do if she leaves? Then Ning Yuzhou took a look and heard him say: "Yes, don't worry."

What can she do? Had to shrink there pathetically, covering her ears.

The locust water frog king does not care what they are discussing, it is full of hostility to the group of subjects who encircle it and those who alarmed it. After croaking, a huge locust-like tail burst out of the water, they hit them.

Wen Qiao held back Shihai's pain and punched in the air.

The locust tail was hit back into the water heavily by her, and the locust water frog emperor also screamed loudly in pain.

Because the sea of ​​consciousness was disturbed by the constant frog calls, the Po Kongquan did not have the power of the past, and could only play half of it, and failed to interrupt the locust tail.

The sound of quack quack shook her ears and began to bleed. Ning Yuzhou saw it and pulled her directly into the space, and then looked at the locust water frog emperor in the water below, which caused the sky to spray, and the luster in his eyes gradually disappeared. .

Shi Wuming sensed the change in his aura, shrank back, and said nervously, "Brother Ning, calm down! Calm down!"

Ning Yuzhou's eyes were dark, staring at the locust water frog king in the water.

The locust water frog emperor felt dangerous instinctively, but it was too late to escape, and saw its body suddenly twitched, and dozens of blood pillars spewed out from the huge body, and the entire waters turned into blood red.

Soon after, the locust water frog emperor turned his belly up and died so much that he could no longer die.

With the death of the locust water frog king, the four fields were silent, without a frog croaking.

Even the most powerful locust water frog emperor died, and the other locust water frogs did not dare to show their heads, and hid in deeper and more secret places. When more offspring were born in the future, they would be a good frog.

Ning Yuzhou turned and flew away from the water.

Shi Wuming hurried to follow, like a little wife, cautiously not daring to talk to him.

Leaving Mizusawa, I saw several beasts Wen Tutu guarding outside, looking anxiously towards this side.

Seeing them, Wen Tutu happily said: "Big Brother Ning, Brother Brother, you are back, where is my sister?"

Ning Yuzhou's eyes had restored their luster, and there was nothing strange on their faces, pulling out Wen Qiao from the space.

When I saw Wen Qiao's appearance clearly, Wen Tutu was too anxious, "Sister, are you injured?"

The blood stains on Wen Qiao's nose and ears had not yet been cleaned up. When she was pulled into the space, she immediately swallowed the spirit pill to treat the sea of ​​consciousness injury. There was no time to clean it, so she looked miserable now.

"It's okay, just rest for a few days."

As Wen Qiao said, she was about to pinch herself a cleansing technique to remove the blood stains on her face. Her hand was pulled, and then she saw Ning Yuzhou take out a soft and white handkerchief and wipe the blood stains her face carefully.

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