612 : Di Ying

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The intertwining of death and demonic energy brings a kind of terrifying oppression.

Aunt Mei felt that her body might be bursting by these two forces.

She bit her lip tightly, the corners of her lips were bloodshot quietly, a pair of eyes looked at the woman in the forefront, this is the Holy Master of their Heavenly Sacred Gate.

The depths of the Demon Sealing Secret Realm is the place where life and devil aura are the strongest.

It is said that every time the secret enclosing realm is opened, the practitioners who enter the secret realm can only wander in the surrounding area at most, and even the Emperor Yuan realm cannot penetrate into the most central place of the secret enclosing realm.

Because there is already a world controlled by death, which rejects all the breath of "life", whether it is the vitality of the cultivator or the vitality of all things, everything is annihilated, and only "death" can exist.

No one wants to die and become an evil undead creature without intelligence.

The surrounding demonic energy and death energy intertwined, forming a wave of air, passing by their hem, raising the corners of the black robe.

Jiuye could feel the situation of this group of Tianshengmen disciples, the pressure was too great, if they went deeper, their bodies could not bear it. He lowered his eyes and whispered: "Holy Lord, the death in front is too strong, I can't wait to get in."

The holy lord did not turn her head, her voice was like water, softly and softly, "You are here to guard."

After that, she flicked her long sleeves and walked forward.

The black devilish energy and the gray death energy were intertwined by her side, as if trying to stop her from moving forward. A soft water will gently push away those devilish energy and death energy, allowing her to move on.

Master Ji looked at her back, hesitated to speak, and finally didn't say anything.

He knows that no one can talk about the things the Holy Lord decides, and excessive intervention will only annoy her and make her disgusted.

Aunt Mei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although the Holy Lord had torn open the entrance of the Sealed Demon Secret Realm with his own power, allowing the disciples of the Heavenly Sage Sect to see her power and worship. But compared to these worships, Aunt Mei hopes to survive in the dangerous enchanting secret realm.

It is said that in the Secret Realm of Sealing Demons, dozens of the powers of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty gathered in the Saint Martial Continent before sealing the Secret Realm. The Sect Master of the door opened it together, but the Holy Master opened it with his own power, which shows how high her cultivation level is.

Aunt Mei feels that she is different from the disciples of the Heavenly Sage Sect around her. She is more calm and sensible. Although she ran with Lord Jiu to fight for the Sage Sacred Gate, she has her own judgment and reason. Blindly sacrifice for others.

She is a chess piece trained by Master Jiu, and she obviously should live according to Master Jiu's philosophy, but she is unwilling to play it from the bottom of her heart.

She felt that she shouldn't be like this, it was not what she wanted.

But she couldn't resist the Lord Jiu, the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Gate had only one fate once they betrayed.

If you can live, who would want to die? She can only follow Haoye and follow his orders.

Aunt Mei quietly glanced at the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Gate next to her, and found that they were still piety and fanatical, staring in the direction where the Holy Master was leaving, but she was rather cold-hearted and uncomfortable.

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