611 : Qingyunzong asks for Help

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The situation on the Eastern Front is indeed similar to that on the Northern Front.

The spiritual cultivation of the righteous way was tossed so much that he could not wait to die with the demon cultivation, and was especially disgusted with the weird demon plants and insects that were tossed out by the demon cultivation.

When they found Qin Hongdao and the others arrived, Qingyunzong's Fenglian Zhenjun was overjoyed.

"I heard that the war on the northern line has been brought under control. Although the demon cultivator has not retreated, he is no longer blindly beaten, but is there such a thing?" Zhenjun Feng Lian said as he hinted, regardless of whether the northern line was used. What can be done to restrain the demon plant and demon insect of demon repair, the three sects are in the same spirit, and quickly share the experience together.

Qin Hongdao did not conceal it. He told him about the exorcism pill, pointing to Ning Yuzhou and said: "The exorcism pill was researched by Ning Zhenjun of the Chixiao Sect. There is an elixir here. You can find it. The heavenly alchemist goes to refine the exorcism pill."

Exorcism pill is a kind of heaven-level pill, which is because Ning Yuzhou specifically suppressed its level.

There are only three king-level alchemists in the Saint Martial Continent, and it is impossible to refine alchemy in large quantities.

The cultivators present were all surprised and looked at Ning Yuzhou.

Naturally, Qin Hongdao would not let go of the opportunity to make a name for Chixiaozong and Ning Yuzhou, and immediately talked about the situation they encountered on the western front battlefield. Among them, it was vaguely mentioned that it was their Chixiaozong that the war could be reversed. The merits of Mr. Ning Zhen and Mr. Wen Zhen.

There are also many disciples of the Akasaka Sect on the Eastern Front.

They heard that there were disciples of the Chixiao Sect, and they ran over. They didn't expect it to be Qin Hongdao and Ning Yuzhou. These people are the young geniuses of the Chixiao Sect, and they are the objects of admiration and admiration for many disciples. , I was very happy to see them suddenly.

"Little Master, you are here too." A female cultivator approached Wen Qiao shyly, "Little Master, there are some questions I want to ask you, I wonder if Little Master has time?"

Wen Qiao had always been very patient with the disciple of this sect, and he should immediately leave with the female disciple.

The female disciple took her to a clearing in the camp. Wen Qiao looked around and found that there were many female cultivators of the Chixiao Sect. The male cultivators also looked ashamed, embarrassed to approach.

"Little Master, it turns out it's really you!"

"Why did the little uncle come here?"

"I heard that Uncle Ning was injured, but his body healed?"

"Little Master..."

Wen Qiao was surrounded by a group of female nuns and asked in a frantic manner. He was confused and said directly: "His injury has not healed yet. If you are concerned, you can ask him directly."

The girls looked at her and wanted to ask the little uncle is serious?

Then they found out that she was really thinking this way, open and frank, and suddenly a little weak.

"Little Master, you can't do this, how can you let any casual woman approach Master Ning?" The female nuns hate that iron is not made of steel, and seeing her bewildered look, they can't help worrying about her.

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