750 : Dixi God Realm

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Wen Qiao returned to the Dixi God Realm with the Nine-Life Chaos Beast.

There were also four god emperors accompanying her.

The Jiuming Chaos Beast nestled in Wen Qiao’s arms and looked at the four god emperors behind with a little surprise in his eyes. I didn’t expect that these four would come to Emperor Xi’s Divine Realm with her. This obedient appearance made him open a Vision.

The four god emperors smiled bitterly in their hearts, can they not behave?

Now the Demon God is going to clear the fish that slipped through the net. He left the guardian of the star tree in the Emperor God's domain. It seems that he trusts them, but it is actually a test for them.

And they didn't dare to let the Star Tree Guardian have an accident.

As the five emperors, the strongest in this world, they understand the meaning of the star tree and its guardians to this world more than any creature. It was also because I knew too well that when the world was catastrophic, I knew that only she could save the world, and acquiesced to the persecution of all beings on her.

Why can only the star-pole tree communicate with the heavens and all realms, and the star-pole tree guardian can open a channel to the realm beyond the sky?

The star-pole tree is not only the pillar between the heaven and the earth, but also the power to stabilize the space. Only the guardian of the star-pole tree who inherits the rules of space can open the passage of the outer world without causing warnings from the heaven and the earth.

This is also the right given to the guardian of the star tree by this world.

She is the guardian of the star tree and the guardian of this world.

The meaning of the star tree guardian's existence is too important, how dare they make her accident.

When she was still weak, not only Xingji Tree would give her shelter, but they, god emperors, would not dare to take action against her. Only those ignorant sentient beings would have no scruples.

The four god emperors followed, originally trying to protect Wen Qiao, and when they discovered her behavior, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Miss Wen, do you want to repair the Dixi Divine Realm?" Di Xu Shenjun asked.

Wen Qiao responded indifferently, because she still cared about the slander these god emperors had against her husband, and ignored them.

If other creatures dare to be so rude to them, you don't need to be angry with the god emperor, you can deal with it directly with a divine power, and you don't have to worry about it. But the one in front of him represents the rules of heaven and earth. She is an existence that cannot be touched, hurt, or talked about, and they can only suffer.

The four god emperors couldn't help being a little amused. The more they watched, the more they felt that the Guardian of the Star Tree was still a little baby, and smiled at her little temper.

Di Xuan Shenjun asked: "Miss Wen, do you need our help?"

Wen Qiao finally looked over, "Aren't you here to help?"

The four god emperors almost couldn't hold their skins. Could it be that they were so idle in her eyes that they came to help?

Wen Qiao didn't care what they thought, and said, "Since there is nothing wrong with the spirit world, don't you want to repair those broken places? If something goes wrong in the spirit world, you will suffer too, right?"

The four god emperors nodded their heads with grief.

Not only do they suffer, but the entire spirit world will suffer. This is why they are so worried that the devil will kill the gods again. If they really fight, they don’t need to slaughter the gods. They only need to break the gods to fail miserably.

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