624 : Fengmo

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When the three of Ning Zhezhou came to Jucui Peak, they found that Jucui Peak was as lively as a secular vegetable market.

At this time, a group of Yuanhuang cultivators, regardless of their status, squeezed to a handsome and noble man, and asked a lot of questions, and after listening carefully, there was actually a pill, talisman, tool, and formation. The problem is very complicated.

Ning Yuzhou raised his hand, suppressed the unstructured questioning of the group of people, and said, "Everyone, you say one by one."

Everyone took a look, and then began to scramble for the first one. The messy picture, Wen Qiao couldn't stand it, and pulled out the long whip from her waist.

The long whip was thrown out, and a deep mark was burned on the ground.

The sound also shocked the group of people. They looked at Wen Qiao, as if they were thinking of the scene that she almost threw out before the double repair ceremony, and then very consciously began to line up to compete for the front row position with their cultivation base and fighting strength. .

Wen Qiao was only a little satisfied, and asked Wen Tutu and the others to bring the stone tables and chairs, put them on the open space in front of the cave, let them sit down, and brewed the spirit tea very intimately.

After the group of people sat down and began to ask Ning Yuzhou for advice, Wen Qiao looked at the three of Ning Zhezhou.

The three of them were already dumbfounded.

"Why are you here?" Wen Qiao asked, Ning Zhezhou. The two brothers Yin Xingliu are a bit subtle, is it possible that they have to come again?

Yin Xingliu replied subconsciously, "I heard that many people are coming to Jucui Peak. Let's take a look..."

He shut up abruptly, with an annoyed look on his face. He felt like a bunny who had never seen the world. He could easily say what he was saying, which made him a little bit irritated and turned his stern face into anger.

Yin Xingheng was not as silly as Junior Brother, and said with a smile: "We are senior brothers with Zhezhou. When I heard that Young Master Ning was out of the customs, we accompanied Zhezhou over to see.

Wen Qiao glanced at him without comment.

Yin Xingheng's smile became a little embarrassing. She obviously didn't say anything, but she had an illusion of being seen through.

Ning Zhezhou asked, "Miss Wen San, are these people looking for the seventh brother?"

"Yes, that's what you see." Wen Qiao affirmed what they saw and heard, so that they don't deceive themselves. Her husband's excellence is obvious to all, and there are countless wise brothers and brothers. It is easy to admit that he is excellent. You don't have to die. He refused to admit it.

The three of Ning Zhezhou, who understood her strangely, were immediately choked.

I have never seen such a narcissistic and straightforward person.

After Wen Qiao left, Yin Xingliu murmured: "However, in the Yuanhuang Realm, no matter how powerful it is, where can it be?"

Yin Xingheng disagreed, "This young master Ning is extremely young and has a lot of research. If he is really proficient in the pill talisman formation as rumored, and the attainments of these four are already at the king level, he is an extremely terrifying person. Genius."

At this point, Yin Xingheng's face was solemn.

"That's only the king level." Yin Xingliu insisted, "from the king level to the holy level, it's like a moat, it's hard to cross."

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