702 : Xingji

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After spending some time, the disciples of Wanxian Mansion finally solved the group of attacking fierce beasts.

After they dealt with the fierce beasts, they heard the sound of fighting not far away. Obviously, there were a lot of fierce beasts in this area. Other people who came in also encountered the beasts and were in a bitter battle.


Xiao Jingshan shouted and greeted the disciples of Wanxian Mansion to leave quickly.

At this time, of course, each has its own responsibility. What happens to the people of other forces can only help themselves, and other forces will not help unless the relationship is really good.

Wen Qiao followed the disciples of Wanxian Mansion and flew all the way through the dense forest.

She can perceive that there are several precious immortal plants in the dense forest, but now is not the time to find them, she can only remember where they are.

After leaving the dense forest, they stopped in a hidden valley.

Outside the valley, two fierce beasts galloped by in tandem, and the shock they brought was like an earthquake.

Everyone hid in the valley, condensed their breath to the nearest point, and watched the two huge fierce beasts pass by without blinking. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until their breath gradually disappeared.

Xiao Jingshan said to the people around him: "It seems that this chaotic space is more dangerous than the outside world predicts. The danger now known is the fierce beasts in the space. These fierce beasts have the lowest strength, and it is estimated that there are even more powerful ones. You have to be careful. If you get separated, try to find a place to hide, and save your life first."

Everyone nodded, their expressions a bit solemn.

They stayed in the valley for a while, confirmed that there were no dangerous beasts around, and set off again.

Next, wherever they went, they would encounter the beasts of the Immortal Emperor's level, sometimes one or two, sometimes in groups. Whenever you encounter hordes of fierce beasts, you can be as strong as you can, if you can't, run away as soon as possible to save your life first.

However, although there are many fierce beasts, there are many treasures of heaven and earth, and most of them are guarded by fierce beasts.

As the first batch of immortals to come in, apart from exploring, they should look for as many heaven and earth treasures as possible. To obtain these heaven and earth treasures, they can only go to war with fierce beasts.

The disciples of Wanxian Mansion quickly found the first target, to seize a plant of Earth Bodhisattva from the three Immortal Emperor level fierce beasts.

Xiao Jingshan took the other immortal emperors to handle this matter. The disciples under the immortal king hid behind to watch the battle, and guarded the rear for them by the way. If there are other fierce beasts coming, promptly warn them.

Wen Qiao and the other immortal kings hid in the dark, watching the group of immortal emperor fierce beasts  food from their mouths while being vigilant around them.

"I can't complain that this space only allows immortals below the immortal emperor to enter. If the immortal emperor comes in, where are these immortal beasts opponents?" Xuanyuan Xinghuo sighed with emotion.

"Indeed." Huan Yuanhui nodded, looked at it curiously, and continued, "The more stable the space left in the chaotic void, the more perfect the rules of the space, and most of them will have hierarchical suppression. However, The space where the Yunhaixian Mountain of Wanxian Mansion is located is an exception. It is said that it was also a space fragment left in the chaotic void. Because of its perfect rules and stability, the palace owner will establish Wanxian Mansion in the Yunhaixianshan space. ..."

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