735 : Destiny

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The girl's face was empty, as if she didn't know what he was talking about.

After a while, she asked hoarsely: "Why?"

The elder brother looked at her with a rare look of bewilderment, and couldn't help but feel distressed. He knew that in the heart of his younger sister, Dixi God Sovereign was different. In my sister's eyes, the Emperor Xi is a gentle and kind god. Even though he holds one of the five domains of the spirit world, he can abide by his heart and be gentle with the world and the guardian of the star tree.

Emperor Xi's blood and veins are surrounded by four directions, essentially a god who is gentle with all things.

The elder brother sighed in his heart and said: "He is one of the five emperors of the spirit world, the strongest of the five emperors, and the spirit world cannot tolerate him."

"Why can't you tolerate him?" The girl was still puzzled, "Since he is the strongest in the spirit world, who can persecute him?"

The devil is the god of evil desires, born to carry the evil desires in the world, no one is willing to be such a filthy existence. Although she didn't face the evil desires of sentient beings directly, she had heard of those demons discussing when she was in the Demon Realm. Once the evil desires are backlashed, even the gods dare not directly carry it.

Dignified god, fell into a demon god, who wants to be like this?

"Aha, this is the destiny." The brother said softly, "the destiny cannot be violated. No one can resist, even if it is the five emperors and gods."

The girl's expression was about to cry, she muttered: "What is the fate? Why does the fate make the dignified gods abandon his divinity and become a devil? How innocent is the emperor Xi."


The elder brother wanted to speak, but saw his younger sister turn around and leaped towards a certain branch of the Star Pole Tree and disappeared in it.

"Aha!" the elder brother yelled, anxious.

I knew that my sister's move was definitely going to the Demon Realm to find the Emperor Xi, who had fallen into a demon, and how could it be so easy to enter the Demon Realm at this time? He subconsciously wanted to bring the silly sister back, but he knew that he had just touched the star tree, and a force of space bounced him back, preventing him from getting close to the star tree.

The Star-Pole Tree is the tree of heaven and earth, and only the guardians selected by the Star-Pole Tree can touch it, not even the gods.

The older brother stood under the tree, looking at the overlapping branches on the Star Pole Tree, as if there was no end, he could only sigh softly.

The demon came to the world, this day is indeed going to change, I only hope that the direction of the life track will not be too bad.


Wen Qiao watched the girl leaping rapidly between the star pole trees, the branches of the star pole branches criss-crossing, jumping into the torrent of space at the end of the branches.

Under the dark red sky, the cracked scorched earth spread to the distance, and the devil energy in the air was extremely weak, oozing with a certain dry breath.

A few ugly beasts were looking for food around, and suddenly turning their heads vigilantly, they saw a giant tree as high as a thousand yuan on the barren soil in front of them. The monsters didn't seem to know what was going on, but in this scorched earth, the giant tree that suddenly appeared was like delicious food in their eyes, and they rushed here one after another.

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