697 : Blood You City

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However, within a few days, the news of the destruction of two immortal thieves' forces spread out, and the other immortal thieves suddenly became themselves in danger.

This area is the edge of the West, and there are many vicious immortal thieves entrenched. In the past, other immortals came to the west and they always worried about encountering these immortal thieves.

It's not that no forces have tried to exterminate these evil immortal thieves, but they have failed.

One is that there are too many immortal thieves, and there is an immortal emperor. It is not easy to deal with the immortal thieves, and it will definitely hurt your muscles and bones; the other is that the forces in the western region are complicated, and many forces do not want to interfere in the affairs of the western region. So as not to be careless and involve other races.

Over time, the immortal thieves in the Western Region became more and more rampant, and many immortals suffered.

However, this time because the blood crow immortal thief snatched someone who shouldn't be robbed, the other party was a tyrannical one. It doesn't matter what immortal thief you are, just pick it out.

That's how Wanxian Mansion is.

What happened here in the West Territory is not only concerned by the immortal thieves in this area, but also by the nearby fairy city. Many immortals want to see if the people who shot this time can solve the immortal thieves in the West.

Until the third immortal thief force, the ghost evil immortal thief, was also destroyed, the world finally determined that this time the immortal thief in the West Realm would indeed be out of luck.

Many people want to know who dared to attack the immortal thief in the west so tyrannically.

It's a pity that because no one dared to come near and inquire, for a while, I didn't know which force these shot and wiped out the immortal thief.

The group of immortals who were rescued from the hands of the immortal thief also wondered in their hearts what their identities were.

The number of them is small, only six, but the four immortal emperors alone are enough to shock them, and what makes them even more shocked is that the four immortal thieves are actually only subjects, and there are two masters above that make them very respectful.

Wen Qiao is just a Xuanxian, not very noticeable, but Ning Yuzhou, many people are guessing his identity.

It is a pity that no matter how they guess, because the four officials have not revealed their identities, they are not bold enough to guess the Wanxian Mansion. After all, for so many years, Wanxian Mansion has acted low-key. The disciples in the mansion have never entered the world. If they enter the world, they will first leave Wanxian Immortal Mansion, something like this openly attacking the immortal thieves of the Western Realm, doesn't look like what Wanxian Mansion would do.

Also because of Wanxian Mansion's previous handling principles in the hearts of the world, even Yin Rui did not dare to confirm the identity of Ning Yuzhou and his party.

Ning Yuzhou did not intend to reveal his identity.

In his opinion, he can do whatever he wants. Why should he tell the world? He didn't reveal his identity, just because he was too lazy to do meaningless things.

Ning Yuzhou did not care about the matter of the four officials taking the immortals rescued from the immortal thief on the immortal boat and taking them to kill the immortal thief. He probably liked it, so he acquiesced in it, and the four senses would guess what he wanted, so take it with him.

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