724 : Gathering Xianzun's

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Ning Yuzhou is a very active man. After talking with several patriarchs, he left the lonely sky and galaxy, planning to go to pit several human immortals and come to work.

The patriarchs who were left took a look and decided to go to the depths of the deserted galaxy to explore the space cracks over there.

The depths of the huangkong galaxy are extremely dangerous, with the strength of the four officials, it is impossible to penetrate into it, let alone Wen Qiao, they have not seen the situation in the depths of the huangkong galaxy, and only the powerhouse of the Immortal Venerable can penetrate.

"Patriarch Dragon, please stay."

Wen Qiao stopped the dragon patriarch who was about to leave.

The patriarch of the dragon clan looked back, still with a bruised nose and swollen face. Obviously, when Ning Yuzhou beat the dragon, he didn't show mercy. It was obvious where he was hitting. Originally, with the self-healing ability of the Immortal Venerable, there shouldn't be such obvious traces, but he didn't know what Ning Yuzhou had done, and it was that the dragon clan could not recover for a long time.

Regarding this, the dragon clan chief was annoyed in his heart, thinking that these human races were really despicable, and they even performed such small actions.

"What's the matter?"

Because I was very upset with Ning Yuzhou, and even the patriarch of the dragon clan had an unpleasant expression on Wen Qiao’s face. Who made this descendant of the god royal clan look so bad? It’s not good to find someone to be a clergyman, so I found someone annoying. Terran.

Wen Qiao glanced at him lightly, and said, "There is the Hongmeng Yanxin Fruit over there. If the Chief Dragon needs it, he can pick it himself."

After that, she glanced at Patriarch Long's face again, and then left with the cheerful little Phoenix.

The patriarch Dragon who was left fell silent and turned to ask patriarch Feng, "What does the little girl of the god royal family mean?"

Patriarch Feng is not used to his stinking ailments and cruelly exposes his self-deception. "Wen girl means that you were beaten up by Palace Master Ning just now. There is a lot of chaos in your body, so go and pick it up by yourself. Xinghongmeng Yanxinguo treatment."

Fighting in the Chaos Void, there will be some Chaos Qi, especially the dragon clan chief is beaten so badly, the Chaos Qi inhaled in the body is more than imagined. For the sake of them all staying to work, Wen Qiao would not treat them badly. The fairy fruit and fairy plants here were selected by them, and she was responsible for planting them.

The chief dragon almost couldn't hold his face.

Is there anyone who satisfactorily satirizes the dragon like this?

"How old are you, are you still angry with the little girl?" Patriarch Feng sneered unceremoniously, and Shi Shiran left.

Long clan chief: "..." I really want to fight the birds.


Ning Yuzhou had been here for a month, and when he came back, he was surrounded by four human immortals.

Including Ning Yuzhou and Zhendao Immortal Venerable, there are six Immortal Venerables on the Human Race side and six patriarchs on the Divine Beast side.

When Clan Chief Qi and the others saw these human immortals, if they didn't know Ning Yuzhou's terrifying fighting power, they almost thought he was going to guard them.

In fact, the human race is more dangerous than the divine beasts that are close to the divine emperor clan.

Several patriarchs looked at the four Immortal Venerables brought by Ning Yuzhou without a trace. When they saw the situation of Huangkong Xinghe, their faces were surprised, but they quickly stabilized.

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