712 : Found

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This time Wen Qiao and the others took Shi Nan's banquet together.

The purpose of bringing him is very simple. First, he is an immortal from the South. Ning Yuzhou wants someone to help with errands and negotiations. He is too lazy to chat with someone he doesn't know, and he is reluctant to let Aha go busy; second, Wen Qiao always felt that Tian Lian's master family should have something to do with Shi Wuming, and he brought people to Shi Wuming to see.

It’s easy to guess this way. In addition to Shi Nanyan’s impression of her being somewhat similar to Shi Wuming, it’s also because the Shengxian Pond of Tianlian Mountain is connected to Hunyuan Continent. Maybe Shi Nanyan is really the home of Shi Wuming. .

Sunset Mountain was far away from Tianlian area, Ning Yuzhou once again tore the space apart and took the two of them over.

This is the first time that Shi Nanyan has been taken across space by Xianzun. This is the first time in his life, and his face is blushing with excitement. When they landed, his gaze on Ning Yuzhou was extremely hot, and his face was full of admiration.

Upon seeing this, Wen Qiao felt that this person was very similar to the younger brothers in the lower realm who were dumped by her husband's talents.

Then, Wen Qiao looked around, "This is Sunset Mountain?"

Sunset Mountain is very desolate. Looking around, among the undulating mountains, only a few sparse weeds can be seen. The celestial power in the air is not much, and it is a place where celestial power is exhausted.

However, it was this place that gave birth to a precious gold moon spar vein, and it became the most valuable place in the South.

The golden moon spar is not only a good material for refining, but also one of the special materials for the formation. It is said that many teleportation formations require it, which shows its extremely high value.

Several major forces in the Southland, also because of this golden moon spar mine, have a lot of right to speak in the fairy world.

Shi Nanyan finally recovered from the excitement of being taken across space by Xianzun, and replied: "Yes, the Jinyue spar mine is in the depths of the sunset mountain. The power of the southern land that controls it takes it very seriously. I heard that it was invited an immortal from the South, who is very good at formations, set up formations nearby, and he needs to be led by a dedicated person before he can enter..."

Because mining gold moon spar requires a large number of immortals, Xiancheng near Luori Mountain has a special place to recruit immortals for mining, attracting many immortals who want to earn immortal stones.

Every once in a while, when they have recruited enough immortals, they will send people over to bring them there.

This is the most formal way of recruiting mining immortals on the bright side. It is different from robbing loose immortals in private. The safety of these immortals is guaranteed.

After explaining clearly, Shi Nanyan was about to ask if he would first go to the nearby Xiancheng to find someone to lead the way, when he heard Ning Yuzhou say: "Let's go!"

Shi Nanyan: "..."

He followed them in a daze and flew towards the depths of the sunset mountain. He couldn't help but think, isn't this guy just trying to tear the space and go in? However, there are formations around the Jinyue spar mine, and most people can't find its location at all. Even if it is the Immortal Venerable, it is impossible to tear apart the isolated immortal array under the Immortal Formation Master of the Immortal Venerable...

Just thinking about it, Ning Yuzhou had already pulled Wen Qiao to stop.

Wen Qiao looked forward. There was a barren hill in front of her, and she couldn't see why.

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