683 : Her Husband

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Wen Qiao quietly followed behind the fairy, and secretly looked at the surrounding environment.

She didn't worry about what Wanxian Mansion would do to her. She hadn't made any enemies with them when she first arrived, and it was even more impossible to make enemies with Wanxian Mansion. And under the eyes of everyone, the immortal named Dongguan suddenly appeared and called her away. Although the attitude was not respectful, he was also extremely kind, showing kindness, which shows that it is not a bad thing.

If there is nothing wrong, someone wants to see her.

Who would want to see her?

Is it because her qualifications are so good that there are even more powerful immortals in Wanxian Mansion who want to accept her as a disciple?

Wen Qiao felt it was possible. Although Dongguan’s cultivation base was the same as the immortal emperor, when the group of immortal emperors faced him, they not only showed face, but even showed respect, and let him take people away without any hindrance. It's just a pity that she can't be accepted as a disciple.

In Wen Qiao's guess, they walked through a long corridor and came to a more solemn and majestic hall. The location of this hall was not only hidden, but also surrounded by many immortal formations heavily protected.

Dongguan stood in front of the hall, and said with a smile to Wen Qiao: "Miss Wen, please come in."

Wen Qiao hesitated and couldn't help asking: "Senior, I don't know who wants to see the junior?"

Dongguan just smiled slightly, "It's not a bad thing to hear the girl go in."

Seeing that he didn't answer directly, Wen Qiao could only walk into the hall with suspicion. From the corner of her eyes, he caught a glimpse of Dongguan and did not follow in, but waited outside the hall and stood with his hands solemnly.

Her heart jumped slightly to make an immortal emperor so respectful...

The hall was tall and spacious. Because of the guess in her heart, Wen Qiao didn't dare to explore it with her spiritual sense. She cautiously looked up and saw that there was a huge moiré throne on the high platform in front of her, and there was no one on it.

Wen Qiao was a little surprised, no one?

Suddenly, when she noticed something, she turned her head to look over and saw a person standing beside the palace pillar not far away.

The man was dressed in an impeccable snow robe, rested on the ground, like snow on the top of a cloud, and like the bright moon and breeze that swelled loose clouds, handsome face, gentle eyes, and there seemed to be infinite tenderness between his eyebrows.

Wen Qiao's eyes widened in an instant, and she cried out in surprise, "Husband!"

She flew away and plunged into his arms like a swallow, holding him tightly with both hands.

The man was stunned, looking at the person in his arms hesitantly, feeling her excitement, his face showed ecstasy, he stretched out some trembling hands to hug her hard, and sighed softly: "Aha... "

Hearing this voice full of infinite emotion, Wen Qiao almost burst into tears.

She buried her face in his arms and hugged him harder, tears gradually soaking his clothes.

Seeing the strangeness in the placket, the man felt more distressed after his silence.

His figure swept away, and he was sitting on the moiré throne on the high platform with the person in his arms, swaying the person in his arms like a little doll, and said softly: "Don't cry, Aha... "

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