623 : Outside Shengwu

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Yin Xingliu was so angry that he almost turned his head and left, and was secretly pressed down by Yin Xingheng with quick eyes and quick hands.

Ning Zhezhou also knew what kind of dog temper the senior Yin Xingliu was, so he quickly changed the subject and asked: "Wen girl, I don't know what's going on in Donglin? And..." He hesitated before asking, "Seven brother how is he now?"

Wen Qiao looked at him strangely, "When you returned to Shengwu Continent, didn't you go to inquire about the mainland's situation first?"

Ning Zhezhou said honestly: "When we arrived in the mainland, we came with Master Gu towards the Scarlet Xiaozong, and did not ask about anything else."

The Chixiao Sect is the top sect of the Saint Martial Continent, the head of the three sects, the leader of the right path, and the people of the Saint Martial Hall return to the mainland. Naturally, the first choice to contact is the Chixiao Sect. From this, we can also see the arrogance of the Saint Martial Hall.

Of course, the people in the Saint Martial Hall also saw that the situation in the mainland was good. They didn't experience the imaginary catastrophe, and didn't waste time to inquire.

Wen Qiao suddenly understood that he really didn't know anything.

In Ning Zhezhou's view, Ning Yuzhou could not cultivate, and his life span was similar to that of a mortal, and it was only a hundred years old.

Of course, if there is something like Life Extension Pill, it can also add dozens of years of life. It's just that in the Saint Martial Continent, the spirit pill that adds lifespan is rare. It is estimated that there are not many alchemists who can do it. Even if they do, will Wen Qiao be willing to work hard to find a precious pill for a husband who can't practice?

Ning Zhezhou didn’t know how Wen Qiao had cultivated to the Yuanhuang realm, how her dilapidated body returned to normal, but she could also understand the difference between cultivators and mortals. Mortals are married. Perhaps the two had the same relationship back then, and it was nothing when they were married, but when Wen Qiao could finally soar into the sky, mortals were just a drag for her.

Ning Yuzhou is also a brother of the same family anyway, and Ning Zhezhou still hopes that his fortunes will be better.

At least, after Wen Qiao soared into the sky, he could continue to live well.

Wen Qiao glanced at him. Although he didn't know what he was thinking, she was inexplicably uncomfortable, and said coldly: "My husband, he is naturally fine, and he is in retreat."


"That's your seventh brother." Wen Qiao glanced at him, "My husband has been able to cultivate, and his current cultivation base is the same as mine, he is also in the Yuanhuang realm."

Ning Zhezhou: "..."

Seeing Ning Zhezhou's somewhat sluggish look, Wen Tutu, Shi Wuming and Wen Mei wanted to laugh inexplicably.

The three of them lowered their heads to drink tea at the same time, suppressing the smile on their lips.

Ning Zhezhou was a little embarrassed at first, and then he was pleasantly surprised and said: "It's too good to be so, because the seventh brother's aptitude is so good."

Wen Qiao liked to hear others praise her husband, her cold face became cheerful, and gave him a look of "you are very discerning", agreeing to say: "My husband is indeed very qualified, although it is twenty years later than you. I just stepped into the path of cultivation at the age of 20, and I can still move forward steadily, and I have made achievements in the pill talisman formation..."

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