706 : Fierce Beast Tide

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Wen Qiao took Shi Nanyan and a few people to arch around in the chaos space, looking for the treasures of heaven and earth. Because she deliberately avoided the crowd, there were not many people they encountered along the way.

It's easy to avoid the crowd, as long as she establishes a sense with Xian Zhi nearby, she can do it easily.

Especially this space is dominated by mountains and forests. As long as she thinks about it, all plants are her eyeliner, and she can easily know where there are more advanced fairy plants, fairy grass, or delicious fairy fruits.

Shi Nanyan didn't know it, and they all thought it was incredible.

"Is this chaotic space so big, or where we are going too far?" Shi Nanyan couldn't help but start to think about the breadth of this chaotic space. If it was really big and could not be explored in a year, he would have some understanding. , Why do those forces in Central Continent risk calculating other people.

"Could it be that the group of people have already fought and have no time to hunt for treasure?"

"Not necessarily. In addition to the big forces, there are also many immortals like us. Those people should not get involved, and they will definitely look for opportunities to avoid them and run to places where no one is there."

Several people discussed it for a while, but failed to discuss the reason, so they could only regard it as their luck.

Few people are good, no one grabs things with them, so they can pick up their treasures everywhere.

Until the time was almost the same, Wen Qiao said to them: "There is one month left, the passage is about to open, we have to go back to the passage."

Yin Rui had no opinion.

There is a stable channel between this chaotic space and the outside world, which is opened once a year. If you miss it, you have to wait for the next year. This time when they came in, it was an opportunity for them to explore from the outside world. They could condense the treasures of heaven and earth in this space openly, but if they missed this time and went out after a year, they would be stopped by the immortals who were guarding outside. Take all the treasures on you.

This is also a customary rule.

It is said that when there was a chaotic space in the world, some immortals did not leave when the passage was opened in order to scrape the heavens, materials and treasures in the space. Instead, they looked for opportunities to stay. They did not leave until the next time it opened. At that time, the chaos Space has been scoured into a barren land.

It is not easy for a stable chaotic space to grow. This behavior of unloading the grind and killing the donkey is completely undesirable. It is also for this kind of bad behavior that this kind of rule appears, and all immortals must abide by it.

Therefore, when the time is about the time, everyone will actively gather to the place where the passage is, so that they can leave in time.

If you accidentally get stuck somewhere and can't leave, you can only admit that you are unlucky. When the passage opens next time, you will hand in the immortal ring obediently. If the immortal trapped in the space does something to destroy the space, you don't have to go out.

Although there are many rules, it also protects a lot of chaotic spaces in this world in disguise, not allowing them to be maliciously destroyed.

Wen Qiao feels that this kind of rule is very good, especially after discovering the anomaly in the celestial pole space, she does not want someone to destroy it. This is also the reason she decided to investigate after realizing that the beast tide was deliberately caused by humans. the reason.

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