755 : Yin Bone Pearl

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Wen Qiao told Palace Master Fen Prison of their intentions.

It took a long while for Palace Master Burning Prison to react, the whole skeleton frame trembled a little, and the soul flame in his eyes flickered even more fiercely.

"You summon the other palace masters and ask them if they would like to go with the monarch to the ghost world to establish the underworld." Ning Yuzhou instructed the palace master of the burning prison.

Palace Master Fen Prison hurriedly responded and used the Transmission Immortal Bone to transmit information to the other Palace Masters of the Thirteen Dry Bone Mansion.

The Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion is actually a special space left in time. It uses Huangu Town as a medium to connect with the outside world. Here, all living beings are cursed beings. They can only be imprisoned and trapped here for eternal life. The sun faces are humans, and the dark faces are skeletons.

Although they were once immortals, because the Thirteen Withered Bone Mansion was left in the lower realm, their strength was suppressed to the lowest realm that the lower realm could carry because of the rules. For the immortals, it was not helpless to frustrate them.

Now that there is an opportunity to get rid of the curse of the Thirteen Withered Bones Mansion, how can the Lord of the Burning Prison Palace not be excited?

After the group of palace masters who had been called over heard about it, they chose to leave with them and set up the underworld together. Once they become a member of the underworld, they will be able to practice under the rules of the underworld and return to the fairy world.

This is their only opportunity, and all the creatures in the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion are unwilling to give up.

Ning Yuzhou looked at the group of skeletons and said: "Since you and others are willing, you will go to the place where the Yin Bone Orb is with the monarch. I will refine the Yin Bone Orb and send it to the Immortal Sea in the Nether Realm."

After the palace owners listened, the skeleton frame shook slightly.

"Two venerables, the Yin Bone Orb is in the Evil Spirit Abyss. It is quite fierce. If you come into contact with it, you must be careful." The Palace Master Fen Prison said with some worry.

"It's okay, you go with us."

Although the thirteen palace masters were worried, thinking of the identities of these two, they settled down and followed them to the Evil Spirit Abyss.

There is still no change in Evil Spirit Yuan, the Yin Qi here is even worse than that in other places, and many ghosts have been bred.

The thirteen palace masters followed Wen Qiao and them, heading towards the depths of the Evil Spirit Abyss.

In the depths of the Evil Spirit Abyss, a seven-eight-foot-high ghost guarded there, and the ghost eyes on the forehead instantly furious when they saw them.

The ghost obviously remembered Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao, and their voices converged into thoughts and sounded: [Two respected guests, I don’t know why? 】

Wen Qiao looked at this ghost and greeted him: "I haven't seen you for a long time, have you been here forever?"

The ghost nodded slightly.

Wen Qiao told it about the establishment of the underworld. The ghost listened quietly, the ghost eyes in the forehead seemed to be examining them, and it seemed that they hadn't seen anything.

Until she finished speaking, the ghost said: [If the underground palace can be built, the curse of the Thirteen Withered Bones can be removed, everyone has merit. 】

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