658 : Advance

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Feeling the anomaly in Wen Qiao's retreat, Ning Yuzhou came out of the alchemy room for the first time.


Shi Wuming and Wen Tutu, who heard the movement, also ran out one after another. Seeing Wen Qiao who finally left the customs, they all looked surprised. But this kind of surprise turned into surprise when she felt the breath on her body.

Wen Qiao smiled at them, and quickly said: "My husband, I'll go find a place to get through the robbery first."

Ning Yuzhou could see what was happening to her at a glance, regardless of the half-finished spirit pill in the alchemy room, leaving the cave with her.

Ning Jichen, who was cultivating in the cave house next door, was also shocked. When he saw Wen Qiao walking out of the cave house, he was pleasantly surprised and said: "Aha."

"Father?" Wen Qiao looked at him unexpectedly.

Although I was a little surprised that Ning Jichen was also in the Sealed Demon Realm, it was not the time to recount the past, Wen Qiao just greeted him in a hurry, and flew away from the island.

Ning Jichen was a little dumbfounded at first, but when he knew she was going to cross the thunder tribulation, his heart was tight and he quickly followed.

The aura on Wen Qiao's body did not converge, and it was really impossible to converge. When he went all the way to the outside of Shengwu Island, it alarmed many disciples of Shengwu Temple.

Although she has not appeared on Shengwu Island for nearly a hundred years, there are still countless legends about her on Shengwu Island, especially because of the attention of the Master of Shengwu to her, so that the entire Shengwu Island is secretly spreading. Not to accept her as a disciple. Because of this kind of rumors, the world pays much attention to her, and they are a little surprised to see her appear at this moment.

When they realized that Wen Qiao was going to cross the thunder robbery, the entire Shengwu Island was alarmed.

In the end, not only the disciples of the Sacred Martial Hall followed, but the masters of the 13th Hall of the Inner Hall, who had never shown their faces, also rushed out one after another.

When Ning Zhezhou was notified of this by Yin Xingliu, he was also shocked.

"You said that Miss Wen San has left the customs? And now you are going to cross the thunder robbery of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Yeah." Yin Xingliu was impatient, and pulled him out. "Junior Brother Zhezhou, go! Let's go over and see. This is a rare Yuan Emperor Realm Thunder Tribulation. I didn't expect her to be in seclusion for a hundred years and even want to advance to the ranks. Yuan Emperor Thunder Tribulation, this is too powerful... By the way, how old is she this year? It seems that she is not yet three hundred years old? Junior Brother Zhezhou, have you heard of the 300-year-old Yuan Emperor?"

Ning Zhezhou shook his head dumbly.

Yin Xingliu also had a dreamlike look, "Although I knew she was not easy to mess with, I didn't expect that she could achieve this level. I was not beaten to death by her at the beginning, so I was really lucky..."


Wen Qiao's speed was very fast, flying all the way to a barren mountain thousands of miles away from Shengwu Island.

When she stopped, Jieyun had already gathered quickly in the sky.

The cultivators who had just arrived were all startled, "Did this robbery cloud come too soon?"

Not only did the robbery cloud come quickly, but the sky thunder smashed down very quickly, so fast that there was no preparation for those who crossed the thunder robbery.

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