721 : Flower House

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That night, Wen Qiao and the others did not go to defend the hunting star beast outside the immortal array.

Because Clan Chief Qi is here.

Chief Qi came out of the torn space crack and stood under the starry sky, looking at the green forest covered by the fairy formation in surprise.

If he hadn't been to Huangkong Galaxy, he would never have imagined what was going on here, but in a hundred years, someone would have been able to turn the almost lifeless Huangkong Galaxy into this way.

His gaze stared into the depths of the starry sky, as if seeing the ubiquitous space cracks in the endless starry sky, the power of space overflowed.

At this time, it was the night that was hanging down, a few stars lit up on the horizon, and a space arc appeared under the galaxy, and the space arc gradually turned into a space crack.

Several Xing Ming beasts squeezed out from the cracked space, ran in the open wilderness, rushing straight toward this side.

The Xing Ming beast that drove by was stopped by the defensive fairy formation.

Several Xing Ming beasts seemed quite unwilling to attack and began to attack the defensive fairy formation, but the level of this fairy formation was too high, no matter how they attacked, the fairy formation remained motionless.

At this time, a figure flew out from the defensive fairy formation below.

Seeing Patriarch Qi, Immortal Venerable Formation was stunned. When I noticed that Immortal Venerable appeared just now, because he didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, he hurried over to investigate, but he didn't expect it to be the patriarch of the Qilin clan.

"Clan Chief Qi, long time no see." Zhendao Xianzun greeted him.

When he held the ceremony of the immortal in the south, the chief Qi of the Qilin clan came to observe the ceremony, so he was also recognized by the immortal. He was not surprised that Clan Chief Qi appeared here, after all, there was still a unicorn cub in the defensive fairy formation below.

When Patriarch Qi saw him, he became more surprised and suddenly said, "It turns out to be a fellow Daoist of the Dao Sect! This defensive immortal formation was arranged by the Dao friend himself?"

I can't blame the immortal array for being able to withstand the attack of the Xing Ming beast, it turned out to be arranged by a holy-level immortal array master.

Zhendao Immortal Venerable smiled and said: "It's not the deity's credit, there is also Palace Master."

"Palace Master Ning of Wanxian Mansion?" Clan Chief Qi was surprised.

"Yes, the immortal formation that the deity cultivates is actually the inheritance of the palace lord's stay in the preaching peak of Wanxian Mansion." The immortal formation of the formation is calm and honest, and doesn't think there is anything to conceal this kind of thing.

Clan Chief Qi became more and more astonished. He didn't expect that the palace lord of Wanxian Mansion was still an immortal formation master.

Xianzun Zhendao personally opened the defensive formation and took the Qi clan leader in.

Patriarch Qi walked in this green forest, and the trees, flowers and trees he saw along the way made him more and more shocked, his face full of surprise.

After Chen Dao Xianzun caught a glimpse, he was a little funny, but he could understand the reaction of Chief Qi.

No matter who it is, as long as they come here, they will be surprised to see the changes in the deserted sky and galaxy, as well as the fairy plants and fairy plants that have disappeared in ancient times.

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