739 : Met the Nine Lives Chaos Beast

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The girl said honestly: "It's the Nine Lives Chaos Beast."

The elder brother was stunned. He didn't expect that it was the only nine-lived chaotic beast in the world that told his sister.

Suddenly, his eyes were slightly sharp, and he looked at his sister sternly, "Are you going to the spirit world again?"

The girl yelled and said without concealment: "Brother, I feel very upset in my heart. I feel like something has happened, so I went to the Dixi God Realm in the spirit world... I happened to meet the Nine Lives Chaos Beast, this is what he told me. Brother, tell me, what is going on?"

The brother did not speak.

His face was extremely tight, and a tinge of haze appeared in his light eyes. This was the appearance of a brother that Wen Qiao and he had never seen before, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

Mingmingshenhuang has just gone through an ordeal, and countless people have died. The remaining people are the patriarchs who have survived. For this reason, he also paid a great price, his body almost fell off, and the cultivation level of Xianzun was reduced to the fairy emperor. .

This time, the ghast shadow has dealt a huge blow to the god emperor clan. There is no tens of millions of years that cannot be relieved, but there is no time for the god emperor clan to recover, and even the situation that the god emperor clan will face will be extremely bad.

Wen Qiao looked a little distressed.

"Aha, don't think too much..." he reluctantly said, obviously still not wanting to drag his sister into the external disaster vortex.

The young girl laughed, rather plainly.

She calmly said: "Brother, as the guardian of the Star Pole Tree, I can feel that the space outside the Three Realms is not stable... Even if you don't say it, I know the situation outside is very bad."

The patriarch of the god royal family was silent for a moment.

He knew that his sister must feel something. The Star Pole Tree, as the tree of heaven and earth, communicates with all walks of life, and it will be the first to know the changes of heaven and earth.

But the star tree did not let its guardian know, obviously it was protecting her.

As the tree of heaven and earth, the star tree also gave birth to selfishness, using its way to protect its guardian.

"Aha." The patriarch of the divine royal family sighed, "the world's fate has changed. I don't know why this change happened. The destiny of the gods and spirit world has not sent a warning. Now the outer space is unstable, and many are hidden. The evil evil in the Three Realms is raging, and the Three Realms are all implicated. The sentient beings in the Three Realms are overwhelmed and are now finding the source."

"did you find it?"

The patriarch of the gods and royal clan shook his head, his expression dimmed, "The immortals of the gods and spirits are asking the destiny of the gods and spirits. Now, only the gods can find out the reason."

The girl looked at him blankly.

Even though she doesn't like Destiny in her heart, she also knows that the Destiny Clan, born in accordance with the will of Destiny, is the only existence that can infer the destiny of the world, and only they can infer the reasons for the changes in the world.

"The last time someone from the Master Tian Lian came here because of this?"

"Maybe." The patriarch didn't want to say much, he solemnly said to his sister, "Aha, the Far East is the closest to the spirit world. Whether it is the heavenly building or the star space, it must be preserved. I beg you here. Up."

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