645 : Guihua

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Seeing that no one dared to attack her little brother anymore, Wen Qiao was satisfied to invite Xu Zhaozhao.

"Miss Wen, what's the order?" Xu Zhaozhao asked diligently, looking at Wen Qiao with bright eyes. If it weren't for confirming that she was a woman, it would give people the illusion that she was looking at her sweetheart.

Not only Xu Zhaozhao, but also the other disciples of Shengwu Temple.

Wen Qiao was able to defeat Zhang Tianyang, the first person in the inner hall, and was the object of their worship. After meeting Wen Qiao here, several disciples of the Saint Martial Hall of Xu Zhaozhao decided to follow her.

Wen Qiao asked, "When you came here, did you see my husband and Wen Tutu?"

Xu Zhaozhao shook his head, "We came from the forest over there and never saw them along the way."

Wen Qiao was a little disappointed and murmured in his heart, it seemed that he had to continue to look for them, hoping that their luck would not be so bad.

The corpses in the river were picked up one by one. After confirming that there were no floating corpses in the river, everyone returned to the shore.

Wen Qiao looked at these corpses.

After the corpse was picked up, it was completely clean and not stained with water. Wen Qiao glanced at the gray river, and vaguely understood the situation of the river. It should be similar to the Shoushi Lake in the Thirteenth Mansion of Withered Bones, but it is different from the Shoushi Lake in that the corpses in the river do not take the initiative. attack.

These corpses are lifelike, there is no sign of decay, but there is no breath of life on them.

Xu Zhaozhao asked, "Miss Wen, what should I do now?"

After the corpse is picked up, what do you want to do next?

Others also looked at Wen Qiao eagerly, very eager to get something from the corpse, even if there is no fairy inheritance, some treasures are fine, and the things left by the fairy are naturally fairy artifacts.

Wen Qiao slowly glanced at the people around him, and said, "Check it out for yourself, but you are not allowed to do anything trivial to these corpses."

Everyone: "..."

If it weren't for her seriousness, the three clans present thought she was burying them.

When they saw that Wen Qiao was really just standing aside and watching, when they didn't mean to intervene, they couldn't help but looked at each other, and finally mustered up the courage to check the condition of the corpse.

Upon seeing this, Xu Zhaozhao and the two disciples of the Saint Martial Hall also went to check a corpse.

They didn't do anything to the corpse, they just checked the magic weapon on its body, and removed the magic weapon that looked like a necklace wrapped around the body. It's just that the magic weapon had just left the corpse, as if it had run out of energy, and turned into powder with a bang.

The three of Xu Zhaozhao stunned.

They subconsciously looked at other people and found that their situation was the same. They took out some magic weapons from the corpse. They did not expect that the magic weapons would collapse and disappear as powder when they left the corpse.

A group of cultivators who had worked so hard to fish for corpses were very depressed.

What is even more depressing is the group of people who were beaten by Wen Qiao Fat's beating. Since the things on these corpses are useless, why did they suffer the crime before? Why not stand on the sidelines and watch.

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