606 : Rescue Qianlinmen

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Surrounded by everyone, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou entered Guzhang Mountain.

There are many cultivators in Guzhang Mountain. At a glance, the gates are crowded. Listening to the introduction of Qianshou, these are all people in Guzhang Town.

When the magic repair attacked, it was in the middle of the night in the middle of the night, but the tutu and the teacher were lifelessly repelled. Unexpectedly, Mo Xiu would insidiously get Mo Zhi to besiege them.

That magic plant seemed to grow in the wind and was extremely domineering. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the cultivator of Gu Zhangshan quickly asked for help from Qianlinmen.

The Qianlinmen had already incorporated Guzhang Town into its territory. Naturally, they couldn't watch these cultivators in danger and let them take refuge in the Qianlinmen and open the mountain protection formation.

Then, they saw that Mozhi had crawled all over Guzhang Town and surrounded Guzhang Mountain in just half a month.

The pure white fluffs blooming on the black vines bloom with a peculiar fragrance of flowers. Once the practitioner smells it, he will immediately fall into a coma. The floral scent of the Reborn Vine is too domineering, even if it uses spiritual power to wrap itself, it still can't be isolated, making people helpless with it.

Ning Yuzhou said: "This is the Vine of the Past Life. Because of its floral fragrance, which makes people fall in a coma, it was named the Vine of the Past Life."

They listened to the smell of Tutu, and they felt that the name was really appropriate, but right? They breathed a scent of flowers and became unconscious. They were dragged away by the reborn vine as fertilizer, and it was indeed like a rebirth.

"Although its flowers are domineering, they are also an antidote." Ning Yuzhou said again, "If you encounter dead vines in the future, you can swallow the flowers."

The teacher had no life to curl his lips and said, "Its fragrance is too overbearing, and people go into a coma as soon as they get closer. Where can I get it? When you burned it earlier, you should have left some flowers."

Ning Yuzhou smiled slightly. The Phoenix Spirit Fire is also a domineering spirit fire. Once it is touched, it burns fiercely, where will there be any flowers left? However, the demons in the demon world all know the dominance of the old vine. When solving the old vine, they will find a way to get some flowers, which will be used as an antidote in the future.

Naturally, there is no such habit in the human world.

The crisis in Guzhang Mountain was lifted, and the cultivators in Guzhang Town also left Qianlinmen and began to rebuild Guzhang Town. The disciples of Qianlinmen naturally went to help.

Qianshou was too busy to touch the ground. Since Hu Shuangyan left, Qianlinmen had a lot of things on his body, making him a lot busier than before. Only then did he discover how capable Hu Shuangyan was.

It's a pity that Hu Shuangyan has important matters, and he can't come back temporarily, so Qianshou had to bring up Xiang Wenxuan, who was also in the Yuanzong realm, to help with some affairs.

After the sneak hunter hurriedly informed Ning Yuzhou about the situation of the Guzhang Mountain being surrounded, he was asked to come over again. The sneak hunter was a little hesitant. It was rare for the son and the girl to come over. He also wanted to inquire about the son's injury. .

Ning Yuzhou said, "There is nothing wrong with me, just go ahead and do it."

After Qianshou left, Shi Wuming, Wen Tutu, and Ning Jichen who remained in the hall asked about his injuries.

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