682 : Palace Lord

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To learn fairy magic tactics depends on the individual's comprehension ability and the difficulty of fairy magic.

It is not difficult to isolate the immortal technique. There are many people here who have learned this immortal technique. They immediately smashed the trick and smashed the yellow sand monsters, and saw that the indestructible yellow sand monsters scattered one after another, and they were immediately overjoyed.

Only when they found out that Wen Qiao had broken up the group of attacking yellow sand monsters, and everyone had already passed through the yellow sand monster's territory, and the joy was gone suddenly, but some were unpleasant.

Compared with her, they are indeed quite useless.

Wen Qiao did not meet those immortals again, and fought all the way through, smoothly crossing this land of yellow sand.

The environment in front of me suddenly changed, the land of yellow sand became a wild beast, and the deafening sound of beasts rang in the distance, and the earth shook, as if a wave of beasts was coming here.

Wen Qiao glanced around and found not only herself but also other immortals.

These immortals were obviously not the group that had just been encountered in the Yellow Sand Land, but were sent from other places.

The map of the gods and ghosts is a space magic weapon, which can be called "the heavens". It can be seen that the space inside is all-encompassing and contains the meaning of the heavens and the earth. The immortals who enter it will experience different environments and encounter countless crises, all of which must be resolved by themselves.

Before they thought about it, they saw a group of fierce beasts rushing towards this place.

Everyone turned around subconsciously and fled, but thinking of the previous situation of breaking through the barrier, they abruptly stopped the instinct to escape.

They entered the Heavens and Ghosts to participate in the assessment of the Ten Thousand Immortal Mansion. If they encounter problems, they will just run away blindly, is it still an assessment? What's the point of being unable to break through the barriers and only spinning around in one place? I'm afraid that people from Wanxian Mansion are staring at them outside.

After understanding this, everyone bit their heads and greeted them.

The beasts came on rampage.

The immortal in the front was knocked out, screaming not knowing where it fell.

Then a lot of immortals were knocked into flight by the beasts that rushed over, and they were stunned to see the others. Their cultivation level is not low, shouldn't they be hit by these beasts so easily? Until they faced the fierce beasts, they found that even if it was the fairy monarch, facing this group of fierce beasts, they could only be knocked into the air. These fierce beasts were really too powerful.

No, in other words, even the monsters in the gods and ghosts map are stronger than the outside ones.

"Use the Beast Control Technique!" a fairy cried.

Beast control is a kind of celestial technique previously recorded in the jade slip in the void, and many celestial people have learned it.

The immortals who knew how to control the beast hurriedly pinched it, and when the beast control fell on the fierce beast, they really stopped attacking, like a tamed beast, retreating obediently.

Wen Qiao was about to knock the rushing beast into the air with a punch, and found that the Beast Control Technique could be used, and decided to save some effort.

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