667 : Back to Shengwu

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On the day Wen Qiao and the others left, the Master of the Saint Martial Hall and Ning Zhezhou came to see them off in person.

Ning Zhezhou's expression was a little sad, and he stopped after seeing Wen Qiao.

He wanted to ask where exactly Ning Yuzhou went and why there has been no news during this period of time. He intuitively felt that Ning Yuzhou had an accident, and it was related to the destruction of Demon Abyss. Unfortunately, neither the group of Demon Race nor the insiders who were in Demon Abyss that day did not disclose it to the public. Ning Zhezhou’s cultivation base was not enough. Probing so that he doesn't know anything now, and can't help but feel a little worried.

Wen Qiao handed him a storage bag, "This is what the husband left for you, practice hard, and Shengwu Continent will rely on you in the future."

Ning Zhezhou looked at her in surprise and couldn't help but said, "Ms. Wen San, don't you have one?"

"I will fly up soon." Wen Qiao rarely smiled at him, "husband is still waiting for me in the upper realm."

Ning Zhezhou was stunned. Didn't the seventh brother have an accident, but soared? Why is there no sign?

At this time, the Master of Saint Martial Hall took out a token and handed it to Wen Qiao.

"This is a sacred martial order, which can open the passage of the sacred martial monument." the master of the sacred martial hall.

Wen Qiao shook his head, "I don't need this." With her current cultivation level, she can freely open the passage between the Fengdemon Tianyu and the Saint Martial Continent, and she does not need a Saint Martial Order to open the Saint Martial Monument.

The Lord of the Saint Martial Hall said: "It can be given to other people."

This can be regarded as a good bond between him and Wen Qiao. If the Saint Martial Continent encounters any danger in the future, people can use the Saint Martial Order to seal the demon world for help.

Wen Qiao didn't postpone it any more, and took it over, planning to hand it over to Chi Xiaozong for management after going back.

Then, the master of the Saint Martial Hall said: "The deity heard that the ancestor of the demon clan's Fanyin is preparing to ascend."

Wen Qiao was not surprised, but said indifferently: "She has stayed in the world for too long, and it is indeed time for her to rise."

The half-step fairyland shouldn't stay in the realm for a long time, not only will it cause the collapse of the lower realm space, but also bear the suppression of the law of space. Fan has persisted for tens of thousands of years, and now that she knows that the lord she admired in her heart has left, naturally she will no longer stay in the lower realm.

Thinking of this, Wen Qiao felt a little dull and uncomfortable.

Ning Yuzhou left in a hurry and only took away Yan Yi. This was a huge blow to the group of demons. He originally thought that the appearance of the Lord would lead the demons to return to the demons, attack the three realms, and become the master of the three realms. I don't know that their lord is self-willed, taking nothing, and returning to the demon world alone.

This is also the reason why the demons are unwilling to disclose this to the outside world. They are unwilling to believe that the Lord has abandoned them.

Of course, they didn't think that the Lord would abandon them, and stay loyal to the Demon Abyss and rebuild the Demon Abyss, intending to wait for the Lord to open up the Three Realms in the future before they could return to the Demon Realm.

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