661 : Find Di Ying

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Wen Qiao chatted with them for a while, and after learning about what happened during her 100-year retreat, she soon went to retreat.

The time of this retreat was not long, after all, it was just to consolidate the cultivation base of the newly promoted Yuansheng Realm.

Two months later, when she left the customs, the power of the originally leaked Primordial Saint Realm had already been reduced, not only made people unable to feel her cultivation level, but even the fluctuations in her spiritual power were imperceptible. , As if a mortal, has reached the realm of returning to simplicity and realism.

This is a very rare realm, and not all Yuansheng realms can reach it.

Wen Tutu looked at her in surprise.


Little Phoenix flew over, landed on her shoulder, and rubbed her cheek. Although she can't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power on her body, it is still a mother, it makes no difference.

Wen Tutu, Wen Gungun, and Ning Jichen quickly got used to it. Compared with the previous Wen Qiao when they just advanced to the Yuan Sacred Realm, the current Wen Qiao is more familiar to them. The strict hierarchy in the cultivation world is not to be a joke, even for a close relative, when a person's cultivation level is too high to reduce the pressure on the body, people who are close will feel pressure.

It is also because of this that Wen Qiao chose to retreat first to consolidate his cultivation base, so that the coercion on his body can be retracted and released freely.

"Sister, has the fairy power you refined before, has been completely transformed into your own?" Wen Tutu asked curiously.

Wen Gungun and Xiao Qilin also stared at Wen Qiao curiously.

Wen Qiao shook his head, "No."


Ning Jichen looked at her in astonishment, striding across two great realms in a row, yet he hadn't even transformed the refined power of the immortal? Could it be that the immortal sealed in the beads is so powerful?

Wen Qiao said: "The power of the immortal sealed in the bead is indeed very powerful, and it fits me very well, so it allows me to cross the two steps smoothly. But next, I don't want to practice too fast, I have to wait for my husband. "

Hearing this, everyone present looked at Ning Yuzhou.

They understood what she meant. If it weren't for Ning Yuzhou, she might still be able to turn the refined power of the immortal into her own power, and the cultivation base would increase again, and maybe it would really rise soon.

Therefore, when Wen Qiao will soar, it depends on what Ning Yuzhou means.

Shi Wuming couldn't help but smile: "Brother Ning, in order for Sister Aqiao to ascend as quickly as possible, you have to work hard."

Originally thought Wen Qiao would happily agree, but she shook her head and said: "No hurry, first wait for me to collect some thunder-attribute spiritual objects. With my current cultivation base, I should be able to go to some powerful thunder land."

At the beginning, Wen Qiao had only visited two of the Thunder Territory and the three major thunder lands of the Sky Wheel Continent, and the most powerful Ziji Island hadn't been there yet. The Thunder Devouring Beast that appeared in the Thunder Fire Forest ran out of Ziji Island. Wen Qiao fought against it and was deeply impressed by it. It can be seen that the Thunder Devouring Beast can breed such a powerful monster as the Purple Pole Island. How terrible is the sky thunder.

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