626 : Assessments

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Suddenly a spatial passage appeared on the monument surface of the giant monument.

The space passage winds away, teaching people can’t see where it ends.

Gu Zihan said: "Everyone, the assessment begins, please enter the Saint Martial Monument."

Hearing that, the thirty-nine Yuan Emperor Realm present glanced at each other, and without hesitation, they flew to the space channel where the Saint Martial Monument appeared, and disappeared one by one.

The five people from the Saint Martial Hall were the last to enter.

Soon after they disappeared into the space channel, the huge monument submerged under the sand sea again, and the yellow sand was overflowing with no trace.


When her feet stood firm, Wen Qiao saw the gray sky in the distance and countless black monuments standing under the sky.

This scene looked a little crippled, Wen Qiao glanced at it silently, and found that there was no one else in this space except herself. Recalling the situation after entering the space passage of the Saint Martial Monument, we know that this assessment separates everyone, and the assessment content may even be different for each person.

Then, Wen Qiao found that the spiritual power in her body was like a stone sinking into the ocean, she couldn't even feel it, let alone use it.

Spiritual cultivation is extremely dependent on spiritual power. Without spiritual power, many abilities and supernatural powers cannot be used. It is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out and can only be slaughtered by people. Fortunately, Wen Qiao is a physical cultivation and does not rely very much on spiritual power. Now that he has no spiritual power, apart from being unable to fly with the sword, there is no inconvenience.

Not only the spiritual power, but also the divine consciousness can't be used, and he can only rely on his eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

A cultivator is more dependent on divine consciousness than his eyes. Without divine consciousness exploration, it is like being blindfolded with a second pair of eyes. Only relying on the naked eye will ignore the crisis in the dark.

But Wen Qiao quickly calmed down.

She walked into the forest of steles and watched these monuments as she walked.

The huge monument is about ten feet high, and it is naturally not as high as the sacred martial monument. People walking in it seem very small.

Wen Qiao raised his head to look at the giant monument. They were all black with ancient runes painted on them, like runes from ancient times. Originally, Wen Qiao's cognition of runes should not have understood their meaning, but when she saw these ancient runes, she understood inexplicably.

There seemed to be some kind of power that she could easily understand.

The rune on the stele records the life of an individual.

Wen Qiao looked over and found that although the lives of these people were detailed, she had never heard of their names, and guessed that these people should be from ancient times.

Wen Qiao walked through the forest of steles.

Occasionally, when I am interested, I will take a look at the runes on the stele, but it still travels through the stele forest at a very fast speed.

She didn't know what the assessment content of the Saint Martial Monument was. She was sent to this strange forest of steles. She didn't see any special circumstances happening. She decided to follow the thoughts in her heart and cross the forest of steles to look at the other side.

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