734 : Fallen God

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Di Xi Shenjun looked at the little girl who was squatting beside him.

In fact, she is no longer a little girl. Compared with the fashionable and youthful face, the guardian of the star tree has fully grown into a beautiful and outstanding female fairy with a god-given beauty, no matter if she is a fairy. The spirit world or the divine spirit world is unique.

Such uniqueness also allows all beings to understand her origins at a glance.

This is also the reason why the god emperor family is unwilling to let her leave the star-pole tree, and only the star-pole tree can protect her.

But in his heart, she was still the little girl who was talking about him when she first met millions of years ago.

Di Xi Shenjun smiled and asked instead: "How do you know the darkness of Wuyuan?"

"I heard it from the Demon Race." The girl casually pulled a thousand illusion stars that grew luxuriantly by the lake, tapped her finger, and the thousand illusion stars turned into a lavender bird and fluttered away, "When I went to the Demon Realm, I met a Demon Venerable of the Demon Race. He said that the evil desires on the dark side of the abyss will break free, and there will be turbulence in the Demon Realm..."

At this point, her brows frowned slightly, and she was a little uneasy inexplicably.

"Don't bother, it has nothing to do with you." Dixi Shenjun said lightly.

The girl said obediently, and soon became happy again, "God, I am going to the Nether Realm in a while. I heard that the only red lotus karmic fire in the world where the Nether Realm was born must be very beautiful. I want to see it. "

Red lotus industry fire?

Di Xi Shenjun was a little surprised, looking down at the thousands of fantasy stars bathed in starlight by the lake, his thoughts were a little erratic.

"God, what's wrong with you?" The girl looked at him suspiciously.

Wen Qiao used her own eyes to see the man's rare silent look, and a kind of anxiety suddenly arose in her heart.

She opened her mouth to say something, but found that she could not control her current body, and could only be a bystander, watching all this through her own eyes.

Thinking of the scene once seen in the inner demon, Wen Qiao was stunned.

When she came back to her senses, she found that she had already returned to the Tianjian God's Court.

The Star Pole Tree stands in the depths of the Heavenly Building God's Court, surrounded by numerous space barriers, which makes it impossible for ordinary people to get involved easily, and it also allows the Star Pole Space to maintain a kind of eternal tranquility.

The girl quietly leaned on the star pole tree, letting a little bit of starlight fall on her body.

Since the birth of her spiritual consciousness, apart from the star tree, there is only her brother in her world.

The star tree gave her strength and protected her growth, and her brother taught her to survive and told her of the dangers outside. The only accident in life was that after mastering the power of the star pole for the first time that year, he suddenly appeared in the spirit world and got to know the emperor Xi.

Dixi Shenjun was the second creature she came into contact with besides her elder brother, and the creature who embraced her with kindness.

Knowing the meaning of the star tree and its guardian, the emperor Xi was not greedy like sentient beings, but warned her to be careful not to expose her identity in front of other creatures.

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