608 : Thousand Insect Demon Plant

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After Wen Qiao messed up the magic repair camp, she ran away quickly.

Wen Tutu met her outside at the magic repair camp, and saw her chasing more than a dozen Yuan Emperor realms behind her, with red eyes and a hideous face, as if he was about to kill his sister. He was shocked, not many. Love war, run to the camp with her.

The demon cultivators who were chasing after him couldn't wait to kill these despicable and shameless righteous spiritual practitioners. They flee wherever possible, and they all rushed up, hoping to rob and kill her before returning to the righteous camp.

The explosion on the demon cultivator camp naturally attracted the practitioners in the right way camp, and they were all shocked, thinking that it was the demon cultivator who was going to engage in some conspiracy.

I didn't know that when I left the camp, I saw two people flying out from the magic repair camp.

"Madam, come quickly to pick up Junior Sister!" Qin Hongdao and Yi Xuan shouted, who withdrew one step ahead of time.

Liu Ruozhu looked terrified, and drew out her Xuefeng Knife to kill him.

The other Yuanhuang realms were all stunned, with a face full of disbelief, that some people were bold enough to attack Mo Xiu. But seeing the chaos at the demon repair camp, and a group of more than a dozen Yuan emperor realm demon repairs chasing the two people over, you can imagine the strength of the people who ran to the demon repair camp tonight. Otherwise, Mo Xiu wouldn't be so angry that he would kill him.

But it feels good.

So a group of Yuanhuang Realm followed Liu Ruozhu to kill.

The war was originally scheduled for a few days, or half a month later, but I didn't expect to start again in half a day.

However, the main combatants this time are all Yuanhuang realm cultivators, and they have reservations when they move with each other. They are unwilling to fight with their lives, so that the battle situation is not too fierce, and those under the Yuanzong realm can't get involved. There were no casualties.

Finally, with a large number of people and an overwhelming victory, Zhengdao repulsed the group of demons who had chased him.

When they hit the sound spot, someone originally wanted to do nothing and break into the camp of the magic repair, destroying the camp altogether, or Liu Ruozhu wisely stop them.

As the Xuefeng sword fairy who was famous in the mainland, Liu Ruozhu's position in the hearts of this group of Yuanhuang realm cultivators was quite high when the Xuefeng sword came out and was invincible. Although there were some regrets, he did not break through.

The group returned to the camp.

Liu Ruozhu said to the cultivators present: "This time the demonic cultivator has suffered a great loss, and I will not let it go. There will be other actions. You will work harder and take turns patrolling, and you will not let the demonic cultivator succeed in a sneak attack."

This is to say to that group of Yuanhuang Realm.

As the high-level cultivators on the battlefield, the Yuanhuang realm always exists as a backing. They rarely make moves, and they are all cultivators under the Yuanzong realm on the battlefield. When patrolling on weekdays, it is also patrolled by the juniors below, and their role is to guard and deter.

But today Wen Qiao ran to attack the Demon Cultivation camp. Demon Xiu would definitely not be reconciled. Maybe he would also send Yuan Emperor Realm Demon Cultivators over, so this would require greater patrols from the Yuan Emperor Realm.

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