650 : Looking for them

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The Magic Heart Stone is a kind of magical treasure that is naturally generated between the heaven and the earth.

There should be a magic heart stone in this blood-colored huge rock. Based on this, it will be refined into an illusion of fairy mountains and green forests, so that all practitioners in the illusion will feel as if they have soared into immortals.

Wen Qiao recalled the characteristics of the illusion created by the magic heart stone that Shi Wuming said earlier.

People in the illusion will be affected by the illusion, gradually forget the reality, immersed in the illusion created by the illusion stone, and it is difficult to break free from the illusion.

As for why she was not affected, Wen Qiao understood that it was because she had awakened the bloodline of the god emperor, and the bloodline of the god emperor was so powerful that she would rarely be confused by illusions and illusions, and could keep her original mind unchanged.

This is probably also the innate supernatural power of the gods and the emperor clan.

Because of this, Shi Wuming would let her come in to find the Magic Heart Stone.

In the fantasy realm refined by the Magic Heart Stone, there are almost no defects, and no one can detect it.

However, although the survey cannot be broken, as long as the spiritual platform is kept clear and not affected by the illusion, the magic heart stone can be found. As for how to find it, it depends on Wen Qiao's own judgment. Shi Wuming couldn't give her any useful advice.

Wen Qiao Yujian flew for a long time, and found that in this illusion, it was impossible to fly away from the end.

Needless to think, she can also know how the group of cultivators outside treats herself at this time, and she will definitely feel that she is flying around in the blood-colored giant rock group, like a headless fly.

After realizing that the flight was not at the end, Wen Qiao stopped decisively, found a tall ancient tree, and squatted on it.

A group of beautiful immortals flew by laughing and laughing. They lived in this peaceful and tranquil fairy mountain and green forest, carefree, without conspiracy and cruel wars, as if they were a rare clean place in the world.

When a fairy stopped to say hello, Wen Qiao suddenly threw her long whip and tied her up.

The female fairy paled, and said in surprise: "Sister, what do you want to do? Don't let me go, if it annoys the fairy lord, we can't ask for it."

Wen Qiao did not listen, dragged her over, pinched her chin to examine her.

This was the first time that she was so close to an immortal, even though it was only an immortal transformed from an illusion, it was not comparable to a mortal. Unexpectedly, in the illusion, even the fairy could catch it, Wen Qiao thought it was very interesting.

Wen Qiao looked at the fairy up and down, and was about to strip her clothes, the fairy said with shame and angrily: "What are you going to do? Never..."

Wen Qiao's movements paused, watching the female fairy humiliated by the apprentice, and kindly said: "I'm just checking the body of my sister." Check to see how it is different from a mortal.

The female fairy looked ashamed and angry, as if asking her, does she believe this?

Wen Qiao felt that she didn't need to believe it, so she continued to strip until she stripped the person naked. The fairy finally couldn't help screaming, "Help—"

Wen Qiao looked at her silently and called.

The cry for help evoked many fairies, both men and women.

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