680 : Assessment

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After buying five seeds, Wen Qiao became a pauper again.

Since getting to know Ning Yuzhou, she has never bothered her mind about money and other things, and never felt that she was a poor person. She did not expect to experience poverty after she ascended to the fairy realm.

"It's just a few seeds, and it costs millions of immortal stones. It's really a profiteer." Wei Sheran muttered, wondering if Wen Qiao had been taken advantage of.

Xuanyuan Xinghuo had different opinions: "It's not like that. After all, this is the immortal species left behind by the emperor clan. If it can be planted successfully, it will be very popular, and there is no need to worry about selling it."

"The problem is, it will take at least 100,000 years to wait for it to be planted. If it takes too long, until then, it will be too poor to open the pot."

Huan Yuanhui and Dou Borong nodded one after another, but seeing Wen Qiao's happy appearance, they were too embarrassed to hit her.

Wen Qiao was indeed very happy. The vitality in these immortals was very strong, and it was obviously very well preserved.

In addition, when she touched these fairy seeds, she could feel a spontaneous intimacy. When she held them and further explored their information, Wen Qiao found that the shopkeeper did not say anything wrong. , These immortal species are indeed left by the emperor clan.

So no matter how much fairy stone she spends, she wants to buy it.

After carefully putting away the seven immortal seeds, Wen Qiao went to ask Xuanyuan Xinghuo again, "Master Xuanyuan, I heard that the **** emperor family once lived in the Tianjian divine court, where there are many fairy fruit and immortal plants planted by the emperor family... you Do you know where is the Tianjian God's Court?"

Wei Sheran asked wonderingly: "What are you asking about this?"

"I'm just curious." Wen Qiao said solemnly.

Dou Borong smiled and said, "You don’t want to ask if there are still fruit and fairy plants left by the **** emperor in the heavenly court? Don’t even think about it. I heard that after the **** emperor’s clan was destroyed, the heaven and the earth were in grief. All the plants withered instantly after the death of the last **** royal family member. Today's Tianjian God's Court is already barren."

Wen Qiao was startled again.

"It's a pity," Huan Yuanhui said, "I heard that the gods and emperors personally planted a lot of precious immortal plants and fruits, not only what our human race needs, but also those gods and animals, they will go to the Tianjian God's Court to ask for it, but it's a pity what……"

Xuanyuan Xinghuo also agreed.

As a disciple of the Xuanyuan clan, he also had a good understanding of the divine emperor clan that disappeared in ancient times. When this clan was extinct, it is said that many creatures sighed for them.

Wen Qiao suddenly lost interest in shopping, and greeted Xuanyuan Xinghuo and the others, and went back to the inn to rest.

After returning to the inn, Wen Qiao placed several restrictions on the surrounding area and then entered the space to plant the seven seeds he had just obtained.

"Sister Wen, what kind of seeds are these?" Little Qilin asked next to her.

Wen Qiao planted seven seeds around the lake and planted them along the lake. Each seed gave them enough space to grow.

After all the seeds were planted, she answered Little Qilin's words, "This red and bright shell is the Hongmeng Yanxin Tree. It has grown for three thousand years, bloomed for three thousand years, and bears fruit for three thousand years. Its fruit can remove the air of chaos and chaos. The seed is the green wood fairy vine. It grows for ten thousand years. Its fruit is clear and clear. It is liked by many mythical beast cubs. After it grows, you and Wen Maomao can eat as much as you want..."

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