601 : Spiritual consciousness

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Everyone looked at the cultivator who was thrown to the ground by Min Kuangxing, and found that he was completely dead.

"Dead?" Liu Ruozhu frowned slightly.

Min Kuangxing's expression was not good, and his face was sullen and angry, "I just noticed something in the dark. When I was looking for an opportunity to chase it, I found this person lurking nearby, controlling the monster to watch us. It's a pity that I just got it. I caught it, and before I asked clearly, there was a restriction in his body to take his life directly."

Everyone was taken aback.

"Could it be possible that someone specially planted a restriction in this person's body, and once they were discovered, they would die?" Di Xun said in surprise. This restriction can be described as extremely poisonous, but the effect is also very good.

Min Kuangxing nodded, "Exactly."

For a time, everyone inevitably thought of the Heavenly Sage Gate.

This Xie Xiu Dong Mansion was first discovered by the people of the Heavenly Sage Gate, and the Heavenly Sage Gate used it to create things like poisonous beasts and evil cloud ghost faces. As for the evil cultivation primordial realm hidden in another alien space in the cave, but they don't know whether the people at the Heavenly Sacred Gate know its existence.

The Heavenly Sacred Gate had already known that they had come here, and it was not surprising that someone would be sent here to monitor them.

"The Sacred Sect acted this day with caution, and did not leave any handles or flaws." Liu Ruozhu couldn't help but said with emotion. The Sacred Sect was really tricky this day, and she couldn't complain about harassing the three sects frequently, and they could still get out of it.

Di Yu said with a solemn face. The Holy Master of the Heavenly Sacred Gate is Di Ying, and she will never forget her murderous vengeance.

Wen Qiao picked up Ning Yuzhou and asked, "Great Uncle, are there anyone else?"

"No." Min Kuangxing said, "I have searched around, they should only send this person who can control monsters to watch."

Wen Qiao looked down at the pale, unconscious person in her arms, and said indifferently: "Forget it, this evil repair cave is also destroyed this time, and the Heavenly Sacred Gate has suffered a lot of losses. Don't worry about it. I will ask for it in the future when they come back."

In the way of the Heavenly Sacred Gate that wanted to drag the entire Sacred Martial Continent in, there would be more opportunities for contact in the future.

Min Kuangxing glanced at his great-granddaughter, whose expression was not so good, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. He sighed slightly, took out a king-class flying boat, and let everyone into the flying boat.

When Wen Qiao entered the flying boat holding Ning Yuzhou, she turned her head and glanced at the Xiexiu Cave Mansion opposite.

The collapse of the space caused by the collapse of the void has disappeared. The space that was torn apart at that time swallowed the entire Xiexiu cave. The space that was torn apart finally disappeared, leaving only a deep pit, gradually being filled with clouds and mist around the cliff, and disappeared from the field of vision..

She turned her head and stopped looking at it.

Feizhou left soon.


After Feizhou left, half a day later, several people appeared on the edge of the cliff.

They were wearing black cloaks and masks, and they couldn't find out the truth.

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