700 : Explore unknown Chaotic Space

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Hearing that he is going to explore the unknown chaotic space, Wen Qiao naturally has no objection.

In fact, she is very interested in the space secrets of the fairy world that are lost in the chaos void. This kind of space secrets is generally called the chaotic space by the world. If it weren't for the previous contemplation of earning enough immortal stones, she chose the cat to practice on the top of the cloud, and planted trees and grass, otherwise she would have chosen to go out earlier to find those chaotic spaces.

Seeing her excited appearance, Ning Yuzhou suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Wouldn't she be reluctant to give up?

It's a pity that he still has a gentle and gentle appearance on his face, and he just keeps his depressed mood in his heart. Wen Qiao is excited about the upcoming experience, but she can't even notice his mood, which makes him feel suffocated for a month.

Seeing that she was about to set off, Wen Qiao finally realized that something was wrong.

"Husband, are you unhappy?" Wen Qiao looked at his face and found that even if he had no memory, it was still difficult for people to notice his mood.

If they hadn't been together for a short time, she would be really familiar with him and would not have noticed it.

Ning Yuzhou sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her silently, without speaking.

Wen Qiao thought for a while, and rushed towards him like a light swallow, giving him a strong and powerful hug.

When he was about to lift his head, suddenly a very gentle kiss fell on his lips. The soft kiss was like fluff on the lake, rippled gently, soothing all the negatives mood in his heart.

The man raised his hand and hugged the person in his arms forcefully.

The next day, when the four officials came to the top of the cloud, they found that the palace owner seemed to be in a very good mood.

The little lady is going to experience, is the Palace Master so happy? The four official instincts should not be like this, but they dare not ask more, they can only secretly wonder and ask when they will leave.

"Let's go." Ning Yuzhou took Wen Qiao's hand and prepared to set off.

The four officials followed them, and asked without a word: "Palace Master and Madam go to Central Continent together?"

Ning Yuzhou said, although he could not enter the chaotic space, he could personally send Aha to Central Continent and wait for her to come out of the chaotic space.

After listening, the four officials quickly made arrangements and notified the group of disciples who were going to the Wanxian Mansion in Zhongzhou.


In front of Yunhaixian Mountain, a group of immortals waited there quietly.

This group of immortals are the inner palace disciples who are about to go to Zhongzhou this time. Except for the four immortal emperors who sent them to the past, there are 29 people, only three of them are immortal monarchs, and the others are immortal emperors and immortal kings. 

The three of Xianjun Xiuwei are Xuanyuan Xinghuo, Wei Sheran and Huan Yuanhui.

This time the chaotic space suddenly appeared in Central Continent, causing a great sensation in the fairy world, and many forces paid great attention to it.

According to previous rules, every time there is a chaotic space in the fairy world, the various forces will first send their disciples to explore. To ensure fairness, the first batch of people to explore will not be too many. Each force is limited to 30 people. It is a rule of the human race.

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