748 : Nine-Life Chaos Beast

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Chaos beasts came from all directions.

They crawled in the void, making a deafening roar, as if welcoming the return of the Nine Lives Chaos Beast.

The faint blue light became the only light source in this dark chaotic void, and their light from faint to bright, gathered together, gradually illuminating the world.

In the light, a chaotic beast with nine tails loomed.

Wen Qiao watched with bated breath.

Finally, all the light gradually converged into the body of the Chaos Beast, and the faint blue light seemed to be locked on its fur, causing the hair to glow with a light blue halo, adding a touch of cuteness to it.

Wen Qiao looked at the exposed little beast, and fell silent.

It turns out that the Nine Lives Chaos Beast can really grow so petite and cute?

Wen Qiao couldn't immediately regard this small and lovely Nine-Life Chaos Beast and the giant in the depths of the Soul Beast Continent as the same.

"This is just how I looked when I was young." A tender voice retorted.

Wen Qiao looked over and found that the small and cute Chaos Beast was looking over here, with a pair of ice blue eyes that were exceptionally pure. But... it can hear her voice?

"This is my domain, I can hear your voice." Jiu Ming Chaos Beast said, looking at Ning Yuzhou hesitantly, "I can't hear the voice of the gods."

To put it simply, the Demon God is too powerful, even if he breaks into the realm of the Nine Lives Chaos Beast, as the master, he dare not listen to his heart, and he does not have the ability to listen, unless he is not afraid of backlash.

Wen Qiao calmed down quickly, anyway, there was nothing secretive about the thoughts in her heart, so she just listened to it.

Just as she thought about it, the nine-lived Chaos Beast that had just woken up flew towards them, Ning Yuzhou stretched out his hand to grab the back of its neck, then stuffed it to Wen Qiao, and said: "You didn't mean to touch it before. The tail? Touch it!"

Wen Qiao: "..."

The Nine Life Chaos Beast exploded, and its immature voice became sharp: "Only a partner can touch the tail! You can't play hooligans on me!"

Ning Yuzhou said indifferently and ruthlessly. He first started to slap, and then pulled Wen Aiao's hand to slap together, he slapped the newly awakened little beast into a pool of beast cakes, and performed the hooliganism thoroughly.

Wen Qiao wanted to laugh very much, but seeing the appearance of Jiu Ming Chaos Beast looking unlovable, she had to hold back.

Rules or something doesn't exist in the eyes of powerful demon gods. You can't touch them if you can't touch them.

Ning Yuzhou carried the Jiuming Chaos Beast with Tancheng Beast Cake in one hand, and left the Chaos Void with Wen Qiao in the other.

The Jiu Ming Chaos Beast hung on his hand obediently, not daring to struggle.

The former emperor Xi Shenjun was so powerful that he couldn't match it. After he became a demon god, he was even more powerful.

Wen Qiao asked it curiously: "Do you remember the past?"

"Remember." Jiu Ming Chaos Beast nodded, "I remember not only the things in the ancient times, but also the things in the lower realm..."

Speaking of this, there is a bit of resentment. At the beginning of the Senluo Temple in the Lower Realm, he finally waited until the reincarnation of the Emperor Di Xi, and kindly passed on the inheritance to them, but this **** did not feel gratitude at all, and said that he would wait to meet him in the future. When she's body, let her touch her nine tails...

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