676 : Wanxian Mansion

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Cultivation has no years.

When Wen Qiao noticed that Yunhai Wushan had opened again, she woke up from her practice and found that a hundred years had passed.

Over the past hundred years, she has become the main body, rooted in the sea of ​​clouds and misty mountains, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, absorbing the power of the celestial spirits, refining the essence of plants and trees, and comprehending the laws of nature... She is obsessed with cultivation and has forgotten the others.

Yunhaiwushan is really a great place for cultivation.

If it weren't for the opening of Yunhaiwushan, I'm afraid she would forget her environment and continue to indulge in cultivation.

The small tree that has grown a section stretched its branches and leaves, and stood against the wind, making a clear uproar.

The two sacred beasts under the tree were originally dozing, hearing this natural sound from heaven and earth, they relaxed subconsciously, and their consciousness gradually fell into deep sleep.

Wen Qiao's consciousness almost assimilated with the entire cloud sea and mist mountain, and when she discovered that the two mythical beasts rarely fell asleep, she did not disturb them, and continued to let go of perception.

When she became a body to practice, Wen Qiao found that her consciousness could be assimilated with the fairy plants of the entire Yunhaiwu Mountain.

This is the innate magical powers of the gods and emperors. Ascended into a fairy queen, this kind of innate magical powers becomes more powerful, and the range of perception is also larger. Especially this hundred years of cultivation experience has not only improved her cultivation level, but also made her feel the laws of heaven and earth, and even if she wants, she can seize the entire cloud sea and mist mountain.

Of course Wen Qiao didn't do this. If she took away the Cloud Sea and Wushan Mountain, she would definitely attract the attention of the Immortal Emperor who was seated in Xuanyuan Xiancheng, and trouble would be aroused by then.

Wen Qiao let out his perception, and quickly saw the opening of the Cloud Sea and Wushan Mountain.

Another group of immortals poured into Yunhai Wushan, men and women.

The opening of Yunhai Wushan this time is not for the selection of maids, but Xuanyuan Xiancheng decided to hold a selection of talents from the north in Yunhai Wushan. It is said that the selected outstanding immortals can get recommended places from Xuanyuan Xiancheng and go to Wanxian Mansion. , Participate in the entrance examination of Wanxian Mansion.

This is a rare event in the North, and almost all young people in the North choose to participate.

Wen Qiao secretly collects information by assimilating perception with Xianzhi.

She didn't know what kind of existence this "Ten Thousand Immortal Mansion" was, but looking at the excitement of these immortals, she knew that they attached great importance to the quota provided by Xuanyuan Xiancheng, and in order to obtain this quota, they all displayed their magical powers.

Xuanyuan Xiancheng is located in the Northland and is the largest Xianyuan city in the Northland. It can also be called the Xuanyuan Dynasty. There are many families and sects that depend on the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

It is said that only the immortal emperor is qualified to establish a dynasty, which is the tradition of the human race.

Wen Qiao suddenly realized.

Since she ascended to the fairy realm, she was either dizzy by Zhu Luoling or isolated from the world for a hundred years. She didn't know anything about the fairy realm, and she didn't understand a lot of common sense. So now she is secretly collecting some, so as not to reveal it. Horse feet.

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