686 : Zhu Luoling

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When Wen Qiao stopped suddenly, not only did Ning Yuzhou look over, but Guan also couldn't help but look at her, and then she saw her eyes fall on the group of immortals behind Guan.

The manager's heart jumped slightly. Although he didn't know what she was looking at, he didn't dare to question it.

People with eight-fold cloud pattern tokens have extremely noble status in Wanxian Mansion. Even those immortal emperors must be courteous.

Although he didn't know how Wen Qiao obtained the Eightfold Moire Token, there was no doubt that this was not something he could provoke or explore.

"Aha, what's the matter?" Ning Yuzhou asked softly, swept over the crowd, and suddenly found a female fairy looking directly at Wen Qiao, with a shocked look on her face like a ghost.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his breath suddenly became cold.

It was Zhu Luoling in the crowd who was more alarmed than the steward.

She didn't expect to see Wen Qiao here, and the moment she saw her, she couldn't believe it. What made her even more unbelievable was that Xin Guanshi actually bowed to Wen Qiao.

Guanshi Xin is the steward of a four-layer moire token in the inner palace. In the eyes of their disciples in the outer palace, Guanshi Xin's identity is already unattainable. Even Xin Guanshi, who has a four-layer moire token, must respectfully salute the person, what will be the identity?

Zhu Luoling subconsciously looked at the token on Wen Qiao's waist. After seeing the double moiré pattern on the token, her pupils shrank, and she finally understood why Xin Guanshi saluted her.

Thinking of what had happened, despair surged in her heart, and her face became extremely pale.

Seeing the change of expression on Zhu Luoling's face, Wen Qiao smiled slightly, "It seems that you still remember me?"

When she laughed, she was extraordinarily beautiful, like a clear stream flowing on blue stones in the mountains, clear and clear, falling in Zhu Luoling's eyes, like a ghost that killed her, making her almost faint.

The people present looked at each other, not knowing why, and a little hesitant.

The two seemed to know each other, but how could Zhu Luoling know the inner palace disciple who possessed the eight-fold moire token?

Xin Guanshi asked hesitantly: "Wen Girl knows Zhu Luoling?"

"I know it." Wen Qiao said pointedly, "This girl Zhu is from the Wuying Xianshan Mountain in the North? Is she also a disciple of Wanxian Mansion?"

Guan Shi hurriedly said, "Zhu Luoling is indeed from the Wuying Xianshan Mountain in the North. She is a disciple of the foreign palace."

"When did she become a disciple of the Outer Mansion?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.

Guanshi Xin didn't know what Wen Qiao meant, and said cautiously, "A hundred years ago."

"A hundred years ago..."

Wen Qiao sighed, it seems that when the Zhu family sent her to participate in the selection of the maid in Xuanyuan Xiancheng, Zhu Luoling also took the opportunity to leave the Northland and came to Yunhai Xianshan in Wanxian Mansion.

She now understands Zhu Luoling's choice back then. Indeed, compared to the maid of the son of the Immortal Emperor, the disciple of the Wanxian Mansion is naturally more beautiful and noble. Moreover, Zhu Luoling's ambitions would not allow her to be trapped in Xuanyuan Xiancheng forever and become a man's vassal.

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