610 : Devil's Erosion Forest

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When the five tribes began to prepare for the elimination of the Devil's Eroded Forest, Ning Yuzhou was not idle.

He is going to refine Fang Tianyin again.

Just when they came, the Duan family missed the opportunity to send a batch of materials for refining Fang Tianyin. It can be seen that when they separated from the Duan clan in Tiandan Valley last time, the Duan family had already reported this matter to the family. Bring in the materials that have already been prepared.

After seeing Ning Yuzhou using the Huoyun Fangtian Seal, the Duan clan felt that this thing was simply a god, and it was so easy to use. In addition, this is also a king-level magic weapon. How many people in the entire Saint Martial Continent can afford to use a king-level magic weapon?

If Ning Yuzhou can practice it, their Duan clan has one more king-level spiritual tool, why not do it?

Ning Yuzhou wants to stay here to help refine Fang Tianyin, Wen Qiao and the others are naturally not in a hurry to leave.

If everything is all right, Wen Qiao takes Wen Tutu and they go to the Devil's Etched Forest for a stroll.

On the second day when Wen Qiao and the others arrived, the group of dumplings that Wen Qiao was familiar with came to look for her, thanking them for their assistance to the five big families, and at the same time inquiring a lot about the situation of magic repair on the northern battlefield.

"I heard that Moxiu can produce so many things with great lethality because of that Heavenly Sage Sect." Tang Shaolin asked softly, "I don't know where the Sage Sect came from that day. It's so powerful. Can you understand?"

Wen Qiao shook his head and said indifferently: "I know about it almost as you do."

The dumplings keenly sensed that she seemed a little unhappy, and wittyly did not ask the Heavenly Sacred Gate again. Because the Heavenly Sage Gate is too mysterious, and the identity of the Holy Lord has not been exposed, many people don't know the hatred between the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Sage Gate and the Min family, and naturally they have never thought of Wen Qiao.

This matter is still a secret to many people in Shengwu Continent.

When Wen Qiao entered the Devil's Eclipse Forest, the dumplings followed her in.

It is a pity that the gnocchi are not strong enough, and they haven't spent a long time in the Devil's Erosion Forest, so they can only return regrettably.

Wen Tutu and Shi Wuming go in with Wen Qiao every time to test how long their spiritual power can support.

It was later discovered that the one who could last the longest was the lifeless teacher.

Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu both looked at him in amazement, as if they were looking at some monster, seeing that the teacher was lifeless and hairy.

"My sister can support six hours because of the wood source spirit orb in her body. Why can you support it longer than her?" Wen Tutu asked incredulously.

The teacher had no life to think for a moment, and said solemnly: "Maybe my physical body is stronger than you?"

This is really a good reason!

Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu had nothing to say, and couldn't help but murmur in their hearts, did the teacher's lifeless spiritual power have already been lost, just relying on his physical strength, so he didn't put Devil's Erosion Forest in his eyes?

In order to test the limit of Master Wuming, Wen Qiao once again took Master Wuming into the Devil's Eclipse Forest.

One hour after entering the Devil's Eclipse Forest, Wentutu's spiritual power had been lost, and he did not expect to encounter Demon Xiu again. These magic cultivators are specially squatting in the Devil's Erosion Forest, wanting to wait until their spiritual power is exhausted, and then come and pick up people's heads.

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