688 : Qilin Tribe

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In the fairy world, apart from the human race occupying a vast territory, the territory of other races is not small. Although they are in the same space, they are very far apart. Some races even live in the sea of ​​clouds space where Wanxian Mansion is located. To escape the world and be independent is very mysterious.

There are many mythical beasts in the fairy world, among which the four spirits are the head.

The four spirits are the kirin, phoenix, basalt, and dragon. In addition to these four, there are many sacred beasts, such as the sky fox clan and the golden crow clan. They are also extremely powerful races, and their status in the fairy world is not low.

From Wanxian Mansion to Qilin Clan Land, it takes a lot of time to cross most of the human clan land.

However, they rode the best immortal boat, which greatly shortened the time, and they could reach the place where the Qilin tribe was located in three months.

"Brother Ning should be able to tear up the space?" Little Qilin asked Ning Yuzhou curiously, "Can't Brother Ning send us there directly?" This also saves time on the road.

Ning Yuzhou calmly said: "Let's just follow the normal procedure, just to let Aha have some insights along the way."

So, Little Qilin said nothing.

Although it is anxious for the Qilin clan, it has been waiting for so many years and it is not anxious for those few months.

However, Ning Yuzhou's answer was a disguised acknowledgment that his current cultivation base was close to Immortal Venerable, and he was regarded as the top master in the fairy world, which made Little Qilin more and more curious about the origin of Ning Yuzhou.

Obviously, the brother Ning they knew, why did he feel that his origins became more mysterious?

Looking at the indifferent Wen Qiao and Xiao Fenghuang, Xiao Qilin could only sigh and decide to forget it. Sister Wen and neither of them worry about it. What does it worry about? No matter what the origin of Ning's brother, he will not be disadvantageous to Wen Sister. Only if Sister Wen is there, nothing will happen.

After Xiao Qilin did a good job of mental construction, he quickly put aside these things and decided to learn to Wen Maomao and be a cub who didn't worry about anything.

Three months passed, and Wen Qiao felt that she hadn't seen how much, and the Xianzhou had already arrived at the land of the Qilin clan.

Dongguan explained: "The Kirin tribe is the closest tribe to our Terran Tribe, and it doesn't take long. If you go to the Phoenix Tribe, you still have to walk a long way."

"Isn't there a teleportation array?" Wen Qiao asked.

What a good thing about the teleportation array, like the fairy city of the human race, I heard that every fairy city has a teleportation array, it is very convenient for the immortals to come and go, and there is no need to waste time on the road.

Dongguan explained: "Although many alien races make good friends with our human races, they are not so good that they can establish teleportation formations with each other."

The human race refers to all other non-human races as alien races, as long as the alien race mentioned refers to other races inhabiting this fairyland.

Although there are teleportation formations in the clan lands of the various tribes of sacred beasts, the teleportation formations are only connected to the races that they have friendship with each other. This can strengthen the friendly relationship between the two races. ,Not negotiable.

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