756 : Nether Realm

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After the news that the passage of the Nether Realm appeared in the Red Forest Continent spread, practitioners from all continents of the Lower Realm all went to investigate.

Since thousands of years ago, after the teleportation formations were established on various continents, cultivators between continents can communicate with each other. The situation in the entire lower realm has changed. The continents of the cultivating world are no longer closed in one corner. The speed of practice is much faster.

Originally, Hongsen Continent was only an intermediate continent, nothing special.

Until a spatial channel connecting the human world and the underworld appeared, the Red Forest Continent became the most eye-catching existence in the lower realm, and countless eyes gathered here.

Wen Tutu brought Wen Gungun to the Red Forest Continent.

They don't need to inquire specifically, they know that the place where the passage is located is the Red Rock Forest in the Red Forest Continent.

Although the red rain in the Red Rock Forest disappeared, the environment of the Red Rock Forest has been formed and cannot be changed due to the long-term erosion of the Red Rain. Fortunately, without the interference of red rain, the Red Rock Forest finally has green plants and spiritual grasses growing. After so many years of brewing, the Red Rock Forest is no longer a bright red rock, and you can see clumps of oasis-like plants. .

The passage of the Netherworld is under the river of red bones.

When the two of Wen Tutu came to the Red Bone River, they saw a dense crowd of practitioners guarding the Red Bone River from a distance. It is said that these were all people who were going to the Netherworld.

The passage of the Nether Realm has just been opened. Although I don’t know what is going on in the Nether Realm, cultivators have an adventurous spirit. At the same time, they also want to enter the Nether Realm to get more good things before others react. This will make a fortune.

"There are so many people..." Wen Gungun gnawed on the Lingguo, and grabbed Wentutu's hand with one hand, "Bro Tutu, how are we going there?"

Wen Tutu glanced at the Red Bone River, and soon saw a few acquaintances.

"Go straight over."

Wen Gungun raised his head to look at him, and was about to ask him how to walk over, when he discovered that he suddenly released the breath of Yuan Emperor Realm.

The coercion of the Wudi realm is like a road roller, instantly smashing a road.

The group of cultivators who had surrounded the Red Bone River with water was suddenly startled, and hurriedly stepped aside to open a passage, and watched the Yuan Emperor Realm seniors walking by with a Yuan Huang cultivation base child.

When he came to the Hong Bone River, Wen Gungun saw that the cultivator guarding the river was the disciple of Tianshu Palace.

"Can the Leng Palace Lord of Tianshu Palace be here?" Wen Tutu asked.

The disciple of Tianshu Palace looked at Wen Tutu with some doubts. He always felt that this senior was a little familiar, but could not tell why. He thought it was a Yuandi realm who had friendship with their palace owner, and quickly said: "Our palace owner is now at the bottom of the Red Bone River presides over that space passage, and the seniors can go there to find him."

Wen Tutu nodded slightly at him, and leaped into the Red Bone River with Wen Kun.

The water of the Red Bone River separates a channel for them to pass through.

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