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Wen Qiao discovered that although she had brought Huang Jing ants, it was still difficult to find people in the tombs of the immortals.

The reason is that the power in the tomb of the fairy is too complicated, because it involves the power and obsession left by the fairy, which occasionally interferes with the judgment of the topaz.

"Actually, it's not surprising. The hardest thing to resist in this fairy tomb is the obsessions left by those immortals after they fall." Shi Wuming said, "The obsessions left by the immortals are very rich, which is caused by greed and hatred. Infatuation forms a variety of ideas, fear, fear, unwillingness, resentment, regret... These ideas will not only affect the cultivator, but also the surrounding environment."

The three cultivators present couldn't help but look at him.

"Look at the land under our feet, it's actually immersed in countless thoughts of immortals."

Their gazes subconsciously looked at the land under their feet, which was a barren grey land, which contained the breath of death, and was exceptionally desolate.

But if it is said that it is impregnated with countless thoughts of immortals, it seems impossible.

Where did Shi Wuming fail to see their disapproval, "You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you can use your spiritual sense to investigate."

When everyone looked at him, they were not stupid enough to do what he said.

Since entering the tomb of the immortal, the cultivators of the three tribes have protected their sea of ​​consciousness for the first time, so as not to be affected by the thoughts in the tomb of the immortal. These ideas are actually not strong, as long as they don't take the initiative to touch them, they don't seem to have much harmful effect. Of course, this is also related to where they go is not too dangerous.

Wen Qiao did not question the words of Master Wuming.

Although he usually looks very useless, relying on a body of gods and bones, he will follow them everywhere. But after putting aside these, you will find that he is actually not as incompetent as he has shown, after all, he is the most mysterious Palace of Fate Soul from the Seven Soul Sect, and many methods are unknown.

At the critical moment, it is quite reliable.

Looking at the topaz ants flying around like a headless fly, Wen Qiao called it back.

The topaz occupies her hair, like a yellow ant flower, which will make people ignore its existence. The cultivators present couldn't help but look at it. This was the first time they had come into contact with this ant-type mutant monster. If it could find people in the fairy tomb, it would be really amazing.

"Forget it, there is still time anyway, let's go to other places first." Wen Qiao said.

The cultivators present all showed joy. Following Wen Qiao for a month, they have found the inheritance of the ghost repair and the demons. In their eyes, they are incredibly lucky. We must know that every time the tomb of the immortal is opened, there are very few people of the three tribes who can get the inheritance of the immortal, and sometimes they don't even get the slightest gain.

They couldn't help but look at Wen Qiao, and they always felt that they should have caught her light.

Is her luck so good?

Wen Qiao's strength is undoubtedly the strongest. If they are not strong, they can't let them only follow her will, and they will be beaten violently if they are not obedient. If it weren't for her, they would have been like everyone else, killing people and stealing treasures, robbing them all the way, where would they abide by benevolence and morality.

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