743 : Star Pole Tree Guardian

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After Wen Qiao stayed in the Darkness of Wuyuan for a while, she planned to return to the fairy world to take a look.

"There is a passage between the immortal and demons near the Tianjian Divine Court. I want to go back and have a look." Wen Qiao said to the master of the Darkness of Wuyuan with some worry, "Although you are here, the demons will not borrow that passage for the time being. Go to the fairy world, but you can't just leave it alone."

Thinking that the exit of the passage was near the Tianjian God's Court, Wen Qiao couldn't rest assured.

Ning Yuzhou nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, the demons would not easily set foot in the fairy world without me."

Wen Qiao couldn't help laughing at him, and then she was a little curious, and asked: "Husband, I remember that in the ancient times, the passage between the two worlds of immortals and demons was in Central Continent. How can it appear in the extreme east this time?"

Ning Yuzhou understood it for a moment, and said: "It should be related to the situation of the previous Huangkong Galaxy."

Huangkong Galaxy used to be the place where the Heavenly Building God's Court was located. Because of the disappearance of the star-pole space and the choice of star-pole space in the destiny plate, the space there collapsed. Now the star tree is revitalized, and the heavenly building is reappearing, and the space deep in the deserted galaxy is stabilized, but there are still some sequelae, such as a space channel that communicates the two worlds.

Wen Qiao's face showed a look of enlightenment, after thinking about it, she asked: "How did the Three Realm Channel disappear in the first place?"

"What the gods did." Ning Yuzhou said calmly, "In order to avoid the war of the Three Realms again, they joined hands to smash the Three Realms channel together and prohibit the Three Realms from coming and going."

Not only is it forbidden to communicate with sentient beings in the Three Realms, but also to ensure that he can be trapped in samsara.

That group of gods never dared to underestimate the strength of the emperor Xi Shenjun, especially the Demon God, who has been completely reduced to the world destroyer. In order to prevent the Demon God from setting off the war of the Three Realms again in the reincarnation, the gods can only do so.

Wen Qiao's face couldn't help showing a bit of melancholy.

Although the gods who committed the sins have been slaughtered by the demon gods who were slain in the God Realm, and the remaining gods did not commit sins, the beginning of the heaven and earth catastrophe was indeed due to the greed of the gods.

Gods are already the most powerful existence in this world. Because they have a long life span with the sky, they yearn for a wider world, longing for an unbounded world beyond the sky. This world can no longer contain their ambitions.

However, heaven and earth will set up barriers, prohibiting the gods from going to the realm beyond the sky, it has its own intention.

When Xu saw that her face was wrong, Ning Yuzhou touched her head and said softly, "Don't think too much! After a while, let's go to the spirit world to see."

Wen Qiao looked at him in surprise, "Can you?"

"What's wrong?" Ning Yuzhou laughed, "Because I was still in reincarnation, and you haven't recovered the memory, the star tree has not revived...So it's best not to attract the attention of the gods in the spirit world. Now I return to the demon god, and you are also the guardian of the star tree. It doesn't matter if the gods find out."

Simply put, now he is not afraid of any gods in this world, even if those gods join hands again, they are not afraid of them.

Wen Qiao understood what he meant, a little bit funny and a little bit sad.

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