660 : Plans

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Wen Qiao sat in a hall of hospitality in the Saint Martial Hall, accompanied by the Master of Saint Martial Hall, and on the opposite side was a group of Yuan Shengjing Venerables in the Enchanted Demon Heaven.

All the ancestors of the Primordial Saint Realm are all the ancestors of the Spirit Island. They came here to congratulate her on her smooth promotion to the Primordial Saint Realm, and by the way, tell her some secret things about sealing the magic universe.

It is said that this is something that every person who has advanced to the Yuan Sheng realm needs to know.

Also because of this, Wen Qiao obediently followed the Master of the Holy Martial Arts, facing the group of Yuanshengjing Venerables that she had never been able to touch before.

This time Wen Qiao was promoted to the Yuan Sage Realm. Except those Yuan Sage Venerables who were in retreat, the other Yuan Sage Realm ancestors all came to congratulate her very much.

The Human Race has an additional Primordial Saint Realm, which still makes this group of Primordial Saint Realm lords very happy.

This is also related to the situation of the Fengdemon Tianyu.

"The reason why this world is called the Demon Sealing Domain is also because it once sealed a demon king."

"Seal Devil?" Wen Qiao's eyes widened.

It was Pangu Palace Master who was talking. He was a baby-faced man. When he laughed, he looked like a big boy next door, which made people feel very kind, but ignored his identity. However, this is only a superficial impression. In fact, no one can ignore the power of the Primordial Saint Realm.

"Yes, there has been such a rumor that if the Sealed Demon King is born, he will lead the Demon Race back to the Demon Realm, use the power of the Demon Realm to attack the Three Realms, and become the master of the Three Realms, and other races will become slaves of the Demon Race. ."

"Fengmo Tianyu was originally a battlefield during the War of the Three Realms in the ancient times. Later, because of the collapse of the mainland, it became a realm of its own. It is said that when the Demon King was sealed in the Fengmo Tianyu, the group of demons who were loyal to the Demon King did not If they were willing to leave, they stayed in the Demon Sealed Realm and occupied the Demon Abyss. In order to prevent the Demon King from breaking through the seal and bringing catastrophes to the Three Realms, the Human Race and the Ghosts had to choose to stay in the Sealed Demon Realm and gradually multiply to this day. Xiu occupies the ghost domain, and human occupies the 72 Spirit Island."

"Actually, the purpose of the Human Race staying in the sealed demon world is also to stare at the group of demons to prevent the sealed Demon King from being born."

"It is said that as the Lord of the Demon Realm, the Demon King possesses the power to overthrow the Three Realms, and the Three Realms were almost destroyed for that reason. He must not be allowed to be born, otherwise the Three Realms will be destroyed."

After Wen Qiao finally understood these secrets, he asked curiously: "Do you know where the Devil King is sealed"

The Lord Pangu shrugged his shoulders and said irresponsibly, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Wen Qiao looked at him speechlessly, looked at the other Yuansheng Realm Venerables, and found that they all reacted the same.

The Pangu Temple Master said frankly: "This is something in the ancient times. The ancestors at that time did not leave any accurate information. They just confessed to the younger generations of us, let us defend the sealed demon universe, and absolutely must not let the devil be born. No one knows where the Demon King is sealed."

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