757 : Reunion

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Wen Gungun rushed into Wen Qiao's arms and held her tightly, as if a child suddenly saw their parents, crying.

The cries of the children attracted many people outside the inn. When they found Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao sitting there, they quickly retracted their heads, obviously in awe of the two.

Wen Tutu walked over slowly.

His eyes were red, and tears were rolling in his eyes, but he stubbornly refused to cry, as if to maintain his little self-esteem. But seeing him pulling Wen Qiao's sleeve tightly, he knew that his mood was also uneasy, just because he had grown up, he couldn't pounce into his sister's arms for comfort as he did when he was a child.

Wen Qiao patted Wen Gungun in his arms, and said with a smile: "Wen Gungun hasn't been tired from crying for so long?"

Wen Gungun has always been lazy, and it's hard for him to cry like this.

"I, I miss my sister and Brother Ning." Wen Gunguo whimpered, and boldly stretched out a hand to pull Ning Yuzhou's sleeve.

Ning Yuzhou glanced lightly, but didn't pull it apart.

Wen Qiao felt a little funny, and continued to coax.

With great difficulty, the crying child was finally coaxed, and Wen Gungun and Wen Tutu sat down, but they sat next to Wen Qiao.

Wen Qiao looked at them and said with a smile: "Wen Gungun has grown up, and Wen Tutu has changed a lot."

Wen Tutu's excitement is still a bit difficult to suppress, and he said: "I have also grown up, and I can't always be like when I was a kid."

Once Wen Tutu was just an eight or nine-year-old child. Because of premature transformation, he always acted impulsively and capriciously, as well as the arrogance that belongs to the demon cultivator. I don't know that when he grows up, he becomes calm and self-sufficient, holding a shelf, that cold look is extremely capable of bluffing people.

Wen Gungun said very shamelessly: "After Brother Tutu became like this, it scared many female sisters."

Then vividly explained how the female sisters had frightened the female sisters and how they refused to accompany their elders to see him.

"How can I scare them, it's because they are courageous..." Wen Tutu muttered, resolutely not admitting that he was too arrogant and making people misunderstand that he was not easy to get along with. He was a good senior, and he never blamed others easily .

Wen Qiao couldn't help but laugh at first, and finally couldn't help laughing, laughing forward and backward.

Wen Tutu's face turned black for an instant, and he stared fiercely at Wen Rolling with a broken mouth, thinking that he must have been deliberate, because he always urged him to practice.

Wen Tutu ignored Wen Gungun who took the opportunity to file a complaint, and asked suspiciously: "Sister, Brother Ning, why are you in the Nether Realm? The passage between the Nether Realm and the Human Realm is open, but is it related to you?"

As he said, his gaze drifted towards Ning Yuzhou secretly.

Mingming Ning's brother is still Ning, but his appearance is different from what he remembered, especially his eyes, which seem to be dyed with a magical dark color, which makes people secretly startled.

How could Brother Ning become like this? Did something happen?

The more I thought about it, the more disturbed I became, but I didn't dare to ask.

"This has nothing to do with us." Wen Qiao waved his hand, "The Three Realm Passage will be opened. It is the work of the God Emperor of the God Spirit Realm."

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