647 : Skull

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"But the inheritance of ghosts?" Ghost repairers asked expectantly.

The Mozu and Renxiu were very dissatisfied, and retorted: "Why must it be the inheritance of ghosts? Maybe it is the inheritance of Renxiu (Mozu)?"

The ghost cultivators said plausibly: "Isn't this obvious? Look at these skeletons, and the breath of death in the Gobi, don't you tend to be more inclined to the realm of ghost cultivators?"

"Which part of the tomb of the fairy is not the place of death? Otherwise, how can it be called the tomb of the fairy?"

Gui Xiuxian was so speechless that he seemed right?

Failing to quarrel with the reason, finally everyone looked at Wen Qiao, regardless of whether the skull vision was really related to inheritance, what they had to do now was how to retreat in this terrifying group of skeletons.

Looking at the king-level array again, under the attack of the skeletons, the aura flashes, and it may be breached by the skeletons at any time.

Wen Qiao said simply: "Okay, then start running for your life."

Everyone: "?????!"

When they found that she had put away the king-level formation and the skeletons were excited to climb the huge rock, they reacted and hurriedly followed her to escape from the huge rock.

A group of cultivators flew with swords, and countless skeletons chased them excitedly on the ground.

While chasing, these skeletons pulled their bones and attacked, then caught the knocked-down bones and put them on the missing place, and then pulled another bone to continue the attack.

Seeing these skeletons picking up the bones that did not belong to them, everyone was speechless.

How can you put the toe bones on your fingers? Put the ribs on the spine? They can't blame the appearance of these skeletons falling apart at any time. They suspect that the bones of these skeletons are actually made of different corpse bones, so that they don't match up, and they may lose their bones at any time.

"Since they have no signs of life, why can they be so crazy about their bones?" someone asked puzzled.

"The tomb of the fairy, anything that is not in line with common sense should be done, so don't get to the bottom too much."

"That is, if you can figure it out, this fairy tomb won't be so terrible."

The strength of the cultivator limits their horizons. For cultivators below the Yuanhuang realm, they have not yet practiced to the extent that they can see through the mysterious laws of the fairy tomb at a glance. Naturally, they cannot see why the skeletons on the Gobi are constantly robbing them. Bones, constantly using other people's bones to fight on the body.

I don't know how long it took to escape, and a palpitating breath appeared.

"The skull is about to appear." The already experienced teacher had no life to remind them in time.

Sure enough, soon, on the horizon of the Gobi ahead, a familiar skull rose from the ground and moved here along the horizon.

Feeling the palpitating breath, they all have the urge to turn around and run away.

Fortunately, the people present were determined people, not scared by the breath of the skull vision, and ran toward it.

A group of skeletons chased behind them, running fast.

There was a skull vision before the experience again, and a skull chasing after it. The hearts of the people present were hanging up, but seeing Wen Qiao in front, they could only bite the bullet to keep up.

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