715 : Tianjian God's Court

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Shi Wuming walked around the plantation, and probably understood what kind of fairy plants Wen Qiao had planted here.

He has a good vision. He can see the varieties of these immortal plants and their growth period. Just looking at their current growth conditions, you will find that they have been disrupted, and they are obviously growing faster than expected.

He picked a few more mature green wood fairy fruits into the fairy ring, found that there were no mature fairy fruits, and left Shi Shiran.

As soon as I left the plantation, I met a man dressed in white. I don't know how long he stood here, his breath seemed to merge with the surrounding clouds.

A gust of wind blows, and the white clothes are lightly entwined with the misty clouds in the mountains, as if to take the wind away.

Shi Wuming almost choked on the fairy fruit in his mouth and made an earth-shattering cough.

Ning Yuzhou disgustedly avoided the splashing pomace, his gentle voice added a little coldness, "What kind of virtue?"

He glanced at Wen Qiao who was busy checking the growth of the immortal plants in the plantation. He did not go in and turned and left.

The teacher wiping away the dross from his mouth indiscriminately, hurriedly followed, and followed him step by step.

One after another, the two came to the cloud viewing platform on the top of the cloud.

Ning Yuzhou sat in front of the cloud viewing platform, looking at the sea of ​​clouds surging in front of him with a calm expression.

Shi Wuming saw that there were a few top-quality elixir on the jade plate next to him, and couldn't help but touch one with itchy hands. Seeing that he didn't respond, he just stuffed it in his mouth.

The cloud fairy beasts in the sea of ​​clouds discovered that the owner of the top of the cloud appeared, and they all probed. They originally thought that they would get the best elixir. How did they know that someone put the elixir in their mouth, and found that this person did not come to feed them the elixir, but with them the two-legged beast that grabbed the elixir suddenly spewed a cloud of mist towards the teacher with some dissatisfaction, and left angrily.

The teacher has no life, no pain or itching, and after happily touching a few elixir pills and tasting the taste, he said: "Brother Ning, why do the disciples of Wanxian Mansion like to wear this white dress? Is it because of the surrounding sea of ​​clouds?"

"There are also four officials, very loyal, you have a good vision and know how to choose subordinates."

"Wanxian Mansion looks really good, it deserves to be the Holy Land of Human Race..."


The more Shi Wuming said, the more vigorous he was. Even if Ning Yuzhou ignored him, he could still say that he was happy.

When the Dongguan came over, he heard the teacher's lifeless chatter, and it suddenly became clear.

Being able to slap in the ears of the palace lord without being slapped into the sea of ​​clouds feeding the cloud fairy beast, it can be seen that this person is not only a friend of the palace lord's wife, but the palace lord treats him differently, and only then will he indulge his behavior.

"Palace Lord, Shi Chen and the others have arrived in the South, and they have made preliminary negotiations with the Luori Mountain..."

After the Dongguan reported on the negotiations between Emperor Shichen and the various forces in the South, as well as the preliminary compensation proposed by the sunset mountain, he saw that the palace owner had no comments, and he had to leave.

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