677 : Wei Sheran and them

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"Who is that fairy?"

Hearing the sound, Xuanyuan Xinghuo turned his head and saw that it was Wei Sheran.

Not only Wei Sheran is here, but also Dou Borong, Huan Yuanhui, and the four celestial monarchs who participated in the selection of talents in the north are all here.

The four of them in the Northland are the pride of their families. Not only are they excellent in qualifications, they have been cultivated by the family since they were young, and they started earlier than other immortals. In addition to their own efforts, they are less than a thousand years old, and they are already immortals. Your cultivation base, not to mention the Northland, is also a very good young man in the fairy world.

They are both competitors, but they also share a sympathy with each other. Apart from fighting, their usual relationship is pretty good.

Based on their qualifications and cultivation bases, they don't actually need to participate in this selection. Xuanyuan Xiancheng would also recommend them to participate in the assessment of Wanxian Mansion, but the four decided to enter Yunhai Wushan instead of competing with those immortals. I want to compete with each other to see who gets the higher ranking this time.

Originally, they thought that the four of them were absolute competitors this time, but they didn't know that a dark horse suddenly appeared.

Wei Sheran is a handsome and evil male fairy. It is said that his ancestors have the bloodline of the sacred beast, which can transform part of the scorpion's strength when necessary.

Because of this, he is a very militant fairy, and when he meets a well-matched opponent, he can't help but feel itchy.

When I saw Wen Qiao follow them to the dark side before, I thought she was fortunately on the right path and didn't encounter too many obstacles. Now when she saw her punching those unkind immortals into the air, she realized the power of the law contained in that fist, and only then did she understand that it was also a powerful one.

Xuanyuan Xinghuo shook his head, "I haven't seen it before, she is amazing!"

Dou Borong is a romantic and unruly, smiling and saying: "If you have seen such a beautiful female fairy before, I will definitely not forget it."

Huan Yuanhui was even more straightforward, "I haven't seen it!"

The four immortal monarchs stood on a high place, watching Wen Qiao beat a group of incoming immortals into flight, and then skillfully began to pick up their fairy ring.

What made them even more speechless was that a fat bird following the fairy was also very skillful in helping to pick up the ring, tweeting and tweeting non-stop, very lively.

"What kind of fairy bird is that fat bird?" Dou Borong said.

"It looks like a weak bird with weak blood." Wei Sheran didn't care, staring at Wen Qiao with scorching eyes.

It's no wonder that they didn't recognize the phoenix. First of all, the ability of the beast to protect itself made the little phoenix weaken the aura of the beast. Secondly, even if they had never seen a phoenix, they had heard of the beauty of the phoenix. People who are so fat are all fattened into a ball. Who believes it is Phoenix?

It can only be attributed to this female fairy's special hobby, probably just like this kind of fat fairy bird.

After Wen Qiao robbed the immortals who had robbed her, she turned her head to look at the high ground not far away.

There were four people standing there, and she recognized that these four were the four immortals with the highest cultivation level in the selection of the Northern Talents. They had been standing there looking at this side before, not knowing what it meant.

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