737 : Feng Yao

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Wen Qiao saw the Demon Lord Chatter again.

The demons have always shown their cunning and deceitful images. Because the demons are too heavy to kill, the world does not allow the demons to become gods, nor does it allow the demons to escape the shackles of the demon world.

Therefore, the only god in the demon world is the demon god, who is also the strongest in the demon world.

The coming of the Demon God is a carnival and hope for the Demon Race.

The demon world abandoned by the world, the demon race born as evil desires by all living beings, also yearned for the colorful, bustling and lively world of the world, where there is the beauty and richness that the demon race most yearn for.

It's a pity that no matter how much the Mozu's plans are, they are all cut off by the gods of the gods and spirits that are suppressing them.

Gods do not allow all beings in the demon world to escape the shackles of the demon world, do not allow the greed and wicked desires of the demon world to spread to the human world, and do not allow the demon world abandoned by the world to get out of control.

Until the demon god came to the world, the demon world finally ushered in its only god.

Even if it is the god of evil desires, it makes the Mozu ecstatic, and the Mozu welcomes their god. They firmly believe that the Mozu will become the master of the Three Realms.

All demons know that the demons descended in the darkness of Wuyuan.

The demons respect the demon god as the master of the demon world. He is the only demon king recognized after the birth of the demon world, as well as their master, who will lead them to become the leader of the master of the three worlds.

All demons are looking forward to the Demon God coming out of the darkness of Wuyuan.

A group of demons in the demon world are waiting outside the darkness of Wuyuan, staring at the darkness of the darkness, waiting for their Lord to appear.

Unfortunately, they waited year after year, and after ten thousand years, the demon god in the darkness of Wuyuan did not show up.

All the demons were disappointed.

However, their ambitions and desires were not extinguished. Instead, they burned more vigorously. They believed that the Demon God would one day lead them to the Human Realm and rule the Three Realms.

Without waiting for the return of the Demon God, the Demon Lords can only leave in disappointment.

In the end, the Lord of Chattering Demon was left.

Venerable Chattering Demon stared at the darkness ahead, unavoidably remembering the scene in which the guardian of the Star Pole Tree rushed into the darkness of the abyss without hesitation tens of thousands of years ago.

Just thinking about it, a white figure appeared in the darkness of Wuyuan.

It is the guardian of the star tree.

When seeing those dark evil desires lingering around her, and not corroding her spirit body, a kind of clarity emerged in the heart of the Lord of Warlord.

"Devil Venerable, long time no see." The girl saluted the Demon Venerable in the Darkness of Wuyuan, "Thank you Demon Venerable for helping me last time."

Chattering Demon Sovereign's red lips are slightly raised, and he smiles with amorous feelings, and the charm of the demon clan comes to his face.

"The deity said it, don't say thank you." She looked at the invisible darkness of the abyss, and pointedly, "It seems that the girl's wish has been fulfilled, congratulations."

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